My match against TwisterBE sure was bloody (on both sides too!) My ogres tore through the AV7 players often enough, but his constant D2 blocks payed off eventually.
It was not quite enough to stop my team from scoring twice though.
And I finally managed to hit someone with a thrown snot too! Honestly, I expected it to have a lot more... pizzaz.
Here's the replay: Piranjade: Guys/Gals, what is up with those turn 16 fouls?!?
I get tactical fouling during the game, it's part of Blood Bowl, but that... *shakes head*
Always imagine you were playing Blood Bowl table top sitting in front of the other player.
MafiaK1: and u could get some spp´s
No spp for fouling or stabbing, sadly
I don't mind turn 16 fouls so much, afterall it's bloodbowl, but if we want to make a house rule and frown upon turn 16 fouling unless it's Rod I don't mind either.