Rodzaju: Just played Dreammouse.
I don't have time to give a full accounting now, but will later.
Suffice to say the Wood Elves hired Eldril Sidewinder & Morg & ended the game with 5 players on the pitch.
Final score 5-0 to me.
Zeta: Rod needs nerf. Too OP. :P
Hey, I was nerfed.
I only had 5 Saurus for this match.
Anyway, I only perma damaged 1 player, a lineman with a niggle.
Another lineman suffered -1AG, but that was done by the crowd.
2 of the many badly hurt were self inflicted.
The wood elves were so in awe of my saurus that they decided to emulate them.
Unfortunately, they chose my AG 1 skill at dodging to emulate....
And Dreammouse has also clearly been taking tips from Pirinjade, in the use of apothecaries that is.
She used it to prevent a KO on a wardancer early in the match...
So, the match...
I did very well out of the kick off events, getting 2 blitzes (both of which allowed me quick scores when the clock may have run out otherwise.
We also had a riot when the woodies should have had 2 turns to pull one back, leaving her an impossible 1 turn to score at the end of the first half.
For most of the match I forgot about sure feet, so played more cautiously than I would otherwise have done.
But on the other hand, my Skinks proved that they can blitz as well as their larger team mates.
And I need to figure out what Tyranno Saurus had for a pre-match snack.
He only went bonehead twice in the whole game :)
Morg did his job, tying up some of my stronger players & Badly hurting Spino Saurus.
Eldril didn't do quite so well, failing half of his hypno attempts & getting KO'd by the crowd.
I did well, level up wise.
Spino Saurus must have been paying attention when Morg hit him.
He picked up Block to go with his St 5.
My standard LOS is now looking quite scary with 2 ST 5 Block players & 1 guard :D
2 of my rookie skinks got stat ups.
Santana Raptor got +1 MV & Airako Raptor got +1 AG.
And Valdo Raptor got a more standard Sprint.
Feeling slightly bad for Dreammouse on this front.
All of her players are still level 1 :(
At least her MVP didn't die this time...
Replay: Looking at the rest of this week, 3 other teams are still able to gain the maximum 9 points by the end of the week:
Iipp0's Anti-Anemia Alliance, Morb's Greedy Grinders & Moggrym's Busty Bruisers.
Morb is due to play Moggrym so this should be an interesting match.
I'll be rooting for Morb.
I want to see some of the new teams at the top of the table & the Greedy Grinders have a good shot at staying in the running.
I would also really like to see Moggrym taking a bit of a kicking before we play next week :D
Iipp0 I'm not so sure about.
He is a really good player so can make it, but once he hits his stride it will be nigh on impossible to stop him, which is a good reason to prevent him hitting said stride :D
And I really need to learn how to control my TV bloat.
I'm at almost 2000 now & I VERY MUCH don't want to be facing Morg every game....