quiet a game. the weather was nice.
1st half:
Without Tarik the Thrower there were just bad kick-offs. I also made some bad positioning-moves in the first half.
My team just made the best out of their new unofficial title "the windfall custodians" when mighty Haegr just fell in the 1st turn of the game. But the Halflings paid with injured Odo.
Because of my really bad positioning, a great tree-throwing and a unlucky Blitz/Reroll on my side by Alarik, Vlad made the first TD for team Time-Travel Paradox. The blitzing Ghandi wasn't very peacefully and kicked Uriel out of the game. With some great dodging on my side I caged slowly towards my very first TD.
But I must say, Hawk had some damn bad throws there besides the 2/3-red-dice-tries. Augustus stumpled himself out of the game by a selfinflicted injury. I managed to kick Cao out of the field through the 1st half. Ragnar badly injured Vlad (I guess he did it just because of the TD).
The 1:1 came at the 8th turn.
2nd half:
The Halfling Augustus got badly injured around 9/10th turn. Otho was just KO'd - luckily for him. Same goes for Atthila. Mussolini got kicked out of the game right before my 2nd TD.
After that I had to make my second kick-off and just blew it. So the Treeman got the Ball. I think I managed it quiet well. Nevertheless team Time-Travel Paradox was really hurt at that moment. Zhang got KO'd inflicting a Turn Over. Nathaniel got fouled. Saul smashed Otho out.
At my 14th turn i got a surround on the last Treemen/Halfling-"force". First try resulted in a Stand Firm. Ghandi was not able to free himself. That also goes for Lennon. Alexander forced a Turn Over.
Ragnar forced Lennon down; so did Gabriel with Ghandi. Björn got the Ball and just ran off. Team Time-Travel Paradox never recovered from the first loses.
If not for the Apo Alarik would have killed Cao. Insteed he had to suffer a -1 on MV. The last noticeable moment was the pass from Björn which resulted in 1SPP for him. ^^
The game ended with a Turn Over by a Treeman.
This time my players were much better in dodging and ball-handling. I love to see this also in games against much harder opponents. But I guess, this will be my best Game - at least for some time. I was really happy with my Treeman-Handling. ;D
I dunno - I felt the pain Hawk must go through with that team. I think with Halfling every match is like playing against a bunch of Dwarves.
Replay can be found here: