iippo: which reminds me of something - Pogo my vampire-turned-rotter couldnt live up to your teams standards or you just didnt get him for some reason? I dont think i saw him on your roster. :)
Piranjade: Vampires have Regeneration and are therefore unaffected by Nurgle's Rot.
From the rulebook:
Nurgle’s Rot (Extraordinary) This player has a horrible infectious disease which spreads when he kills an opponent during a Block, Blitz or Foul Action. Instead of truly dying, the infected opponent becomes a new rookie Rotter. To do so, the opponent must have been removed from the roster during step 2.1 of the Post-game sequence, his Strength cannot exceed 4,
and he cannot have the Decay, Regeneration or Stunty skills. The new Rotter can be added to the Nurgle team for free during step 5 of Updating Your Team Roster (see page 29) if the team has an open Roster slot. This new Rotter still counts at full value towards the total value of the Nurgle team.
> I was totally unaware of that. Then again, i havent ever played Nurgle team either. Created one and then deleted later though.. I had the idea that the rotters die like flies..but seeing Pogo's team - that doesnt seem to be the case :)