Themken: Das geht gar nicht [that will not do] because I am too bad at German.
Crackpot.756: Fear not; so are many Germans. No one will notice.
Same here i can understand most of it but speaking and writing it is a nother thing.
I think this is a fun joke btw, cause why would GOG or anyone tells turn German?
It would be better imho if the whole world turned Britisch, that would be jolly good fun.
Anyway i watched tons of Britisch series on tv in the past and i enjoyed them all, i like that Britisch humor, and be honest Merkel isn't funny at all, i mean look at that face..... it's a face that looks like it has a burnout, to much stress, or god knows hat else, i cant understand people vote for something like that.
Best thing is would be Britain will leave EU (unfortunately i give them a very small chance but their is always ).
If they do you will get a snowball effect , google for it there are lots of funny pictures about it.
But like i said i fear they wont make it, so they stay (fixed or not by the EU or in camp) and then the shit will hit the fan.