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Xeshra: I do not understand all the fuss regarding this God of War anyway...
The best title for me is already here and some other games i enjoy, especially "Star Ocean the Second Story R" will probably never be here ever, because of the taste of the customers. Already difficult on that other platform and on the current platform... lets just forget it. I am not always a niche-gamer but indeed... a lot of games i enjoy are niche.
Naw I think that is EnixSquare being fools. Also I think they HATE the idea of pricing Octo 1 at $30 regular price because GOG people here would balk at anything more.
Octopath is simply not "my thing". I actually got Octopath 2 (even more praised than the first) on my PS5, even with a Steelbook, and i had to "give up"... sorry, just not the right customer for this. Now it is simply sitting on my game-shelve... maybe even selling it at some point, as the Steelbook is sold out everywhere for long time already.

On the other hand, the remake "Star Ocean the Second Story R" (i got on PS5 as well) was able to touch my heart and i am now almost finish playing it... way over 100 hours played already, great game (same league like its classic). Yet, on Steam, Octopath was way more sought after (still mediocre compared to a game like Hades, which is the absolute king of pseudo-Indies).

Another game, in case of popularity something in between Octopath 1 + 2, is "Sea of Stars", which is in my mind, compared to the limited dev cost... a very good good cash cow which is not on GoG anymore (from this Studio). Although, if i judge its "game quality", it is about the same level compared to "Chained Echoes"... even some comparable "art style" and about the same playtime... and this game is even a "true Indie", not a somewhat "fake Indie". Both games got the classics, such as Chrono Trigger, as a "heritage" for inspiration, thats clear. However, both games has been "inflated" on price (Sea of Stars way more though)... as they are more sought after compared to way more expensive games (to create). No wonder, SquareEnix and Sony are now considering a "new strategy" of many cheaper games (Octopath, Triangle Strategy...). Because in my mind, those are good games but the price is "a lot to ask for". At least Chained Echoes is DRM free on GoG, the competitor is NOT DRM free but maybe i get it on PS5 as i simply enjoy a real DISC... or DRM free of course. I will just never support that other big platform, and if so... at a very big price cut.

Indeed, Sea of Stars is about 2 times more popular... yet, i do not consider it 2 times better than a direct competitor. Popularity is playing a huge role... always and the gamers may judge it pretty harsh based on their perception of "whats better", so it is always competition based, they can not buy nor play everything and the average gamer got a handful of games, not more. Just a bunch are core gamers, a pretty small group (maybe 50 000 worldwide, vs. 50 million of casual gamers, factor 1000), all the others let themself become feed by popularity. The PS5... well, the internal SSD is for about 95% of the gamers successfully big and Sony can even make some cash for every PS5 sold. The "few core gamers" demanding more space and even those "outdated discs" are a big minority and can simply upgrade it themself. Just about 5%, as far as i know, own more than 10 games in average... which is actually a big issue to Sony as they are unable to sell a PS5 at a loss... so a margin is required... and most gamers (up to 95% of the casual group) own just maybe 3-5 games in average, not much more.

Sure, a game like God of War still got a bigger customer base, but it is questionable if it is worth it to GoG because Sony surely is "asking a lot for" and the GoG customers are not exactly known for having those sort of taste, which can be seen on the other sells of somewhat comparable Sony-games.

Besides, Sorry to say but... some of the old classics such as a puristic "Vanguard Bandits, Vandal Hearts, Eternal Eyes, FF Tactics, Growlanser and many more" so far was not able to become beaten, despite the huge new graphical bling we nowadays got; because somehow they are lacking heart. I notice clearly... they have only been made for raw coins... not for the sake of someones heart and true creativity.

Sarang: Naw I think that is EnixSquare being fools. Also I think they HATE the idea of pricing Octo 1 at $30 regular price because GOG people here would balk at anything more.
Not even on that other huuuuge platform, yet there is the trick to use keysellers... very popular those days, no secret anymore. So, most gamers are not buying full price, just some core gamers (those with shiny GPUs such as a 4090) who "need" those launch-goodies are buying full price i guess.

On GoG for a long time it was rather shunned. Nowadays not even GoG is anymore believing into the "power of avoiding such sellers" because it is impossible avoiding a customer demand. Without the demand of those customers... the biggest platform would be gone and even all the keysellers together. Yet it is exactly opposite because there IS a demand, very logical. So, even on GoG there are now many "keysellers" or simply external sites offering GoG keys with cheaper prices.

Now, we even have those Sony titles below 30 coins, so i think... now is the time to buy them.
Post edited March 01, 2024 by Xeshra
Xeshra: I do not understand all the fuss regarding this God of War anyway...
The best title for me is already here and some other games i enjoy, especially "Star Ocean the Second Story R" will probably never be here ever, because of the taste of the customers. Already difficult on that other platform and on the current platform... lets just forget it. I am not always a niche-gamer but indeed... a lot of games i enjoy are niche.
There are people who really enjoy the game, there are also people who want to see more companies offer DRM-Free options.

There are people that want Spider-Man released here but that may not happen if sales of other Sony games stall here.
"There are always peoples"; yet if you can not find them, in qualities or quantities, for your "demands", be it individual or in general, it will not make things work.

So, yeah.. the issue is known, but hard to solve.

People want "to get in order to give" and they usually are not buying the same game several times as long as they got no issue with DRM... which is not the case for the majority. They do not even know the word DRM... unless something is not working as intended; at that point creating weird questions but not any sooner than that.

I mean, most car drivers got almost no clue regarding how their engine works, so do not expect to much from gamers. Most of them probably use a aged notebook and never ever was replacing some parts inside a PC... just the reality someone have to understand in order to know customers and the market.

Heck, i heard so many weird statements from some huge-platform-users, telling me stuff they simply had been pulled out of their nose without any good evidence, just always a lot of "bla bla bla", until you finally realize... believing comes far before actually "knowing".
Post edited March 01, 2024 by Xeshra
I guess it finally came! Yippee! Hurray! :-)
Xeshra: I do not understand all the fuss regarding this God of War anyway...
The best title for me is already here and some other games i enjoy, especially "Star Ocean the Second Story R" will probably never be here ever, because of the taste of the customers. Already difficult on that other platform and on the current platform... lets just forget it. I am not always a niche-gamer but indeed... a lot of games i enjoy are niche.
wolfsite: There are people who really enjoy the game, there are also people who want to see more companies offer DRM-Free options.

There are people that want Spider-Man released here but that may not happen if sales of other Sony games stall here.
Sony's one of the biggest companies and names in gaming & publishing. If Sony games actually sell well here, wouldn't surprise me if other big names like Microsoft themselves might want to show-up here too.

Sure, Microsoft might not NEED to really show up here, given their worth & they probably won't b/c they keep trying to add value to getting people to sub to Game Pass - but hey, who knows, maybe they'd wanna battle Sony here too for some sales on some stuff. I'd love to see Gears of War games, Fable games, Halo games, and other Microsoft-owned stuff that ain't from Zenimax/Bethesda join the GOG & their DRM-FREE Party.
timppu: When it comes, it comes. Or doesn't come. Maybe.
Xeshra: Probably same for an orgasm.,. when it comes it comes... or does not come, maybe... who cares.
Well, turns out I was totally right about what I said! Happened exactly as I predicted!

I'm not saying I told you so... but I told you so!
Breja: So games from 2018 are now "very old"? Sure. Fine. Whatever.
Yes, ancient one. By that metric you and I were there when the universe was created.

Breja: Even if the game was downright ancient - so what?
This needs to be on GOG! :P
Post edited March 13, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
Breja: So games from 2018 are now "very old"? Sure. Fine. Whatever.
WinterSnowfall: Yes, ancient one. By that metric you and I were there when the universe was created.
WinterSnowfall: Yes, ancient one. By that metric you and I were there when the universe was created.
Don't copy/paste the ancient code to me, I was there when it was typed.
To be honest, God of War is overhyped. Certainly, getting a Ghost of Tsushima release is the "cutting edge" of what is possible. While i do still enjoy Horizon Forbidden West, the older title "Horizon Zero Dawn" is the in overall better game.

So, the best GoG could still get from Sony is actually Ghost of Tsushima.