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tfishell: Thanks. I thought maybe it was part of an add-on, extension, etc. a user made for the site.
Geralt_of_Rivia: I can confirm the places for Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted but Swedrami either miscalculated Days Gone or people have been buying it frequently in the last 15 hours since he checked because the game is now at place 2051.

Source: The utility I just wrote that queries GOG's server. I have also checked manually if place 2051 is correct.
Probably was just off by a few positions, thanks for the correction.
SargonAelther: Well... God of War is basically God of War 4 too, so... Or 7, if you wish to count the spinoffs.
Yeah, but it's also a soft reboot of sorts, it doesn't press the rset button, sure, but it's specifically designed to be a good jumping-on point for new players (and it's very good for it, to which I can attest from personal experience). Uncharted 4 on the other hand, in terms of it's story and tone at least, is entirely defined by being the concluding chapter in Nathan Drake's story, and relies very heavily on the player knowing and having an attachment to the characters.

To make a somewhat silly analogy, God of War is like starting watching Star Trek with Encounter at Farpoint. Uncharted 4 is like starting with All Good Things.
Post edited February 26, 2024 by Breja
Randalator: What if the deal falls through last second?
Then we don't get it.
You've already announced the game months in advance. And now you're basically like "Good news, everyone! It's not coming after all!" which is sure to make a lot of people very happy.
Some customers will throw a tantrum. Maybe breath-holding will take place.
So, in this case GOG should have told us that they are in negotiations with Sony for GoW.
No. GOG is in no way obligated to tell you squat about how they run their business behind closed doors. It's like I said: tell customers nothing, they whine. Tell customers something they whine even more. It's clear less diapers are soiled with the former, so let's go back to no communication what-so-ever, shall we?
Randalator: What if the deal falls through last second?
Braggadar: Then we don't get it.

You've already announced the game months in advance. And now you're basically like "Good news, everyone! It's not coming after all!" which is sure to make a lot of people very happy.
Braggadar: Some customers will throw a tantrum. Maybe breath-holding will take place.

So, in this case GOG should have told us that they are in negotiations with Sony for GoW.
Braggadar: No. GOG is in no way obligated to tell you squat about how they run their business behind closed doors. It's like I said: tell customers nothing, they whine. Tell customers something they whine even more. It's clear less diapers are soiled with the former, so let's go back to no communication what-so-ever, shall we?
I have no idea why you are so hostile about people simply wanting reliable information. Honestly, the only one throwing a tantrum seems to be you, with your "let's go back to no communication what-so-ever, shall we" . It's not the customers' fault that GOG has misused the "coming soon" label to the point of meaninglessness. People just want to be reliably informed about release schedule. There's nothing wrong with that.
Braggadar: let's go back to no communication what-so-ever, shall we?
Now who's throwing their toys out of the pram? No need for that, just don't communicate or promise what you can't deliver.

Other communication is fine.
My personal opinion is that the game was planned to release later but due to our eagerness to get it as soon as possible they tried to bring it sooner but unsuccessfully. (ofc I could be just wrong)
Post edited February 26, 2024 by Hirako__
When it comes, it comes. Or doesn't come. Maybe.
Braggadar: No. GOG is in no way obligated to tell you squat about how they run their business behind closed doors. It's like I said: tell customers nothing, they whine. Tell customers something they whine even more. It's clear less diapers are soiled with the former, so let's go back to no communication what-so-ever, shall we?
Sure, GOG is under no obligation to disclose business deals with us, that's common sense, but if a particular title keeps being "delayed" for some obscure contractual reasons while everyone is waiting for it, I think the could shed some light on the issue, even if it's just a vague hint

Keeping radio silence does not help, a simple "ok guys, this might take us a few months, but it will get released" would be enough
timppu: When it comes, it comes. Or doesn't come. Maybe.
Probably same for an orgasm.,. when it comes it comes... or does not come, maybe... who cares.
Braggadar: Knowing it's possibly coming is far better to me than not knowing at all.
Breja: The thing is, when some games have been "coming soon" for years, does it really count as knowing anything?
This is "believing" not "knowing", you got it.

However... humans are full of beliefs, way more than true knowledge.
Shmacky-McNuts: I imagine the moment someone up the corporate ladder, figured out it would be DRM free and his head imploded at the prospect of trusting people lol
neumi5694: It can already be played DRM free. All you need is to add "-EpicPortal" to the exe call.
Not that i know of... on PC game wiki it is clearly described with DRM. The few games, there are some... who can be played without launcher or online check are usually marked as "unlocked", for example "Rise of the Tomb Raider" or "Death Stranding".

Yeah, it is pretty much a monopoly, because on PC currently the only other platform not linked to Steam, is EGS.
Post edited February 26, 2024 by Xeshra
Breja: People just want to be reliably informed about release schedule.
I'm sure in your life you've had a situation requiring a back-and-forth with lawyers/solicitors, yeah?

What people are asking is to be informed of a private and confidential arrangement between two or more companies. And if not that level of detail, they want to be given an ETA for a situation which can't have a reliable ETA.

We've had to handle executing wills, negotiated a contractual option to buy on a property, and other shite situations. And in each case it's NEVER a simple job. There's constant back-and-forth between parties if one doesn't happen to agree with the wording of a contract document, or even a request form. It's bonkers - there's delays in reading, writing, sending - rinse and repeat with the other party. What the uninitiated thinks takes days can in reality blow out to months the moment someone spots a "problem".

Reading between the lines this GOW situation I'd say GOG fully expected to have the game in their store right now. But for whatever legal reason, things became much more complicated then they wanted it to be.

What do you realistically expect to happen here? Break confidentiality? Give us an ETA which isn't real and angers the community all the more when it lapses?

Should they have used Coming Soon? No, because customers see "Soon" and expect "Now". Better they had not announced it at all, because there's no real way you can announce without having the contract already signed... and by that time there's little point in giving a heads up before it lands anyway.

lupineshadow: just don't communicate or promise what you can't deliver..
Who said GOG can't deliver it? GOG gave no definite ETA, that's what SOON has always meant, especially when we're talking about GOG here. So far they haven't lied - it's coming, they just can't tell us exactly when. The moment the contract falls over I'm sure they'll take down the page.
lupineshadow: just don't communicate or promise what you can't deliver..
Braggadar: Who said GOG can't deliver it? GOG gave no definite ETA, that's what SOON has always meant, especially when we're talking about GOG here. So far they haven't lied - it's coming, they just can't tell us exactly when. The moment the contract falls over I'm sure they'll take down the page.
To be honest I was half-thinking of some pending contests from years ago.

But I stand by what I said, four months is not soon. So don't announce it until it's finalised. Which is pretty much what you said, without the invective.
lupineshadow: To be honest I was half-thinking of some pending contests from years ago.
*shudders* Yes, I agree with you on that one. Not finalising announced and participated competitions is pretty damnable behaviour.
Buying and selling always depends on the value we put into it and the power of the one offering the shiny we want.

Usually, if someone offering a bad insurance is powerful (usually the case) they can finish a bad contract with a customer in a very quick time. However, if the customer want to get "out" of the contract it is nearly impossible.

In gaming terms, it means for GoG it is nearly Impossible getting into this contract but very easy getting out of it.

For Steam it works bit different: It is easy to get into the contract, almost instantly because most publishers are needy. Getting out is easy too, but not because lack of power (Steam could change the rules), just because they could not care less, as it is usually the publishers loss.

Ultimately it always depends on the "leverage" of someone involved; no other rule.
Post edited February 27, 2024 by Xeshra
I feel it has to be sales goals/revenue that is causing delays. It would make sense as when Days Gone and Uncharted finally released here they had exclusive banners on the front page in more than one spot which few games have ever gotten before so that does imply that GOG needs to have these games to sell to get more in the future.
wolfsite: I feel it has to be sales goals/revenue that is causing delays. It would make sense as when Days Gone and Uncharted finally released here they had exclusive banners on the front page in more than one spot which few games have ever gotten before so that does imply that GOG needs to have these games to sell to get more in the future.
I'm starting to wonder if in order to get their deals with Sony, GOG BS'd them with overinflated sales projections that they couldn't live up to, and now Sony is holding future releases to ransom until they actually hit them.

I will be honestly shocked if we see a single Sony release again on here unless God of War does astronomically well if it ever even drops.