It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Unable to change my old mail adress or password. Whenever I press the button a spinning circle appears but nothing happens. Thus I am unable to transfer this account to a browser that will work properly with the store. I suppose my own laziness is partly to blame for staying logged in this long on a shitty browser. I suppose I could file a support ticket but I have spent far too much of the weekend trying to access my old mail, and the mail I had before that.

I legit just wanted to buy some good old games. See you on my new account, gog. Enjoy my money I guess.
I also get annoyed i can't use my older browser versions on GoG anymore.

It also feels like every change gets more grating to my eyes. I can't scan the page anymore to easily see what i want. But i suppose that doesn't matter.

Still before you abandon your account, you might submit a ticket. Maybe they can fix it on the back end first.
Yeah... I created a new account so now I can see the store again, but whenever I try to checkout they state "temporary technical problems"

I am almost amazed at the current state of gog. The amount of hoops to jump through just to get them to take my money. Brings back memories of Turbine *shudder*
Contact support. They really are very helpful.
Now when you say, "I am unable to transfer this account to a browser that will work properly with the store. "

I have several questions.

1. What does this even mean? You're switching browsers, but how should that be so drastic? Most of them even support full import/export.

2. How long did you wait while attempting to change your email? The dialogue appeared rather swiftly for me.

3. Why didn't you just contact support in the first place? This is the sort of exact situation to do so, instead of bellyaching on some public forum.
Yes, I am talking to them now. Hopefully this will sort itself out.
nergalsmom: Yes, I am talking to them now. Hopefully this will sort itself out.
It seems that one of our Support Representative is already in contact with you :)
For future reference I would suggest contacting our Support right away, so they can help you out as soon as possible.
high rated
You guys were right all along, all my issues have been resolved by support. I guess I was just tired and frustrated after a long weekend at work. Anyway, time to kick back with some games! :)
nergalsmom: I guess I was just tired and frustrated after a long weekend at work. Anyway, time to kick back with some games! :)
Happens to most of us now and again.

Happy gaming!