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high rated
This is a giveaway for the following three GOG games (each available thrice, once from me, once from omega64, and once from akhliber):
* [url=*AF&dsp=*AF&ord=&flt=iis~1207658886~&opt=*AF]Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga[/url]
* [url=*AF&dsp=*AF&ord=&flt=iis~1207658893~&opt=*AF]Baldur's Gate 2 Complete[/url]
* [url=*AF&dsp=*AF&ord=&flt=iis~1207658888~&opt=*AF]Icewind Dale Complete[/url]

Note that these are the original editions, no longer available for sale on GOG. These are NOT THE ENHANCED EDITIONS.

- Nine games, up to nine random winners.
- You may enter for any number of games, but will win no more than one, unless there are less entrants than games.
- You may enter for others, but please make sure that they indeed want the game(s).
- The games must be redeemed by the winners. Not for trading.
- The giveaway will end sometime next week.

The occasion:
- The lady is two years old today (May 27).

Please do not forget to +1 omega64 and akhliber for donating their sets of three games.
Post edited May 31, 2016 by mrkgnao
mrkgnao: - You may enter for any number of games, but will win no more than one.
Does the number need to be a non-negative integer no greater than 3?

If not, then I enter for negative pi games.

If so, then I enter for 0.

(Not in; I'm just being silly right now, and I already own the games in question.)
Can anyone tell me if story of icewind dale is worth it?

I'm the winner of precious bg1 and 2 giveaway and currently playing bg1. It's great, one of best writing in games I've ever played. I always heard that icewind dale is more combat oriented while planescape torment is story focused and baldurs gate it on balance. And I don't think I want to play this type of games for its combat.

If you guys says storyline is good then I'm in for icewind dale. Of not then I'm not in
mrkgnao: - You may enter for any number of games, but will win no more than one.
dtgreene: Does the number need to be a non-negative integer no greater than 3?

If not, then I enter for negative pi games.

If so, then I enter for 0.

(Not in; I'm just being silly right now, and I already own the games in question.)
I intentionally phrased that rule to allow for this kind of post. I am glad you rose to the occasion. Cheers. +1.
kusumahendra: Can anyone tell me if story of icewind dale is worth it?

I'm the winner of precious bg1 and 2 giveaway and currently playing bg1. It's great, one of best writing in games I've ever played. I always heard that icewind dale is more combat oriented while planescape torment is story focused and baldurs gate it on balance. And I don't think I want to play this type of games for its combat.

If you guys says storyline is good then I'm in for icewind dale. Of not then I'm not in
The story has some good elements, but no, it's not that great. There was potential for something pretty damned good story-wise, but everything takes a back seat to the combat in this game. One of my favorites, don't get me wrong, but if you're looking for story in the IE games, IWD isn't the game for you. Planescape:Torment should be right up your alley though.
kusumahendra: Can anyone tell me if story of icewind dale is worth it?

I'm the winner of precious bg1 and 2 giveaway and currently playing bg1. It's great, one of best writing in games I've ever played. I always heard that icewind dale is more combat oriented while planescape torment is story focused and baldurs gate it on balance. And I don't think I want to play this type of games for its combat.

If you guys says storyline is good then I'm in for icewind dale. Of not then I'm not in
GR00T: The story has some good elements, but no, it's not that great. There was potential for something pretty damned good story-wise, but everything takes a back seat to the combat in this game. One of my favorites, don't get me wrong, but if you're looking for story in the IE games, IWD isn't the game for you. Planescape:Torment should be right up your alley though.
I see. I'm still on chapter 3 in bg1 and its my 1st playthrough. I found combat to be tactical and even at easy I still find it hard to just survive. I'm still interested in the game but with my ability right now I think I'm not good enough to play it.

I guess I'm not in for now. Perhaps one day after I gain more knowledge on how to play it better and feeling up to challenge. Thanks
+1 for the GA!

I'd agree IWD is a weaker story than Baldur's Gate (and Planescape is obviously another tier of storytelling altogether), but it's not terrible, and the ex-pac was a nice extra layer.

I'm a little tempted to bid on one of the BG games, since I loved both back when, but I won IWD complete about a year ago (from one of ZFR's puzzles, I think?) and I've barely made it through chapter 2 before getting distracted.

I also haven't quite finished Planescape (either back when I first played it, or this time around) though I'm about 3/4 of the way through that. Put it down for a few weeks due to RL which turned into months and have been a bit hesitant to jump back in not really remembering where I left the story. :)
bler144: I'm a little tempted to bid on one of the BG games
Succumb, mortal, to the temptation!
Post edited May 27, 2016 by mrkgnao
bler144: I'm a little tempted to bid on one of the BG games
mrkgnao: Succumb, mortal, to the temptation!
Lol. I'd be more likely to succumb 'twere I immortal. I'd have more time to play all these games!
kusumahendra: Can anyone tell me if story of icewind dale is worth it?

I'm the winner of precious bg1 and 2 giveaway and currently playing bg1. It's great, one of best writing in games I've ever played. I always heard that icewind dale is more combat oriented while planescape torment is story focused and baldurs gate it on balance. And I don't think I want to play this type of games for its combat.

If you guys says storyline is good then I'm in for icewind dale. Of not then I'm not in
My view on this doesn't reflect the majority opinion, but Icewind Dale > Baldur's Gate in every aspect, story included. I find it difficult to come up with an (RPG) example less compelling than BG's by-the-numbers hero's journey. IWD's story isn't great, but it does feature a couple of notable twists. However, it really does feature more combat than BG - partly because its areas have content other than grass and trees, partly because there are no large towns in it. And if you're having trouble with the milk run that's BG, perhaps wait until you've finished BG2 to start with IWD.
hyperagathon: My view on this doesn't reflect the majority opinion, but Icewind Dale > Baldur's Gate in every aspect, story included. I find it difficult to come up with an (RPG) example less compelling than BG's by-the-numbers hero's journey. IWD's story isn't great, but it does feature a couple of notable twists. However, it really does feature more combat than BG - partly because its areas have content other than grass and trees, partly because there are no large towns in it. And if you're having trouble with the milk run that's BG, perhaps wait until you've finished BG2 to start with IWD.
I'd like to ask for opinion
Let's say we rate storyline of these games

Baldur's Gate 1+2 = 9
Neverwinter Night (base campaign) = 7
Neverwinter Night Hordes of the Underdark = 8

How would you rate Icewind Dale?
I was thinking if it's 6 or more I think it's worth to experience the game. It already has solid gameplay, if storyline is at least interesting (it doesn't need to be mind blowing) I think I might reconsider to enter this giveaway


Where are those people who enter same giveaway that wins me Baldur's Gate??? There were plenty, and yet no one shows up here? Where are you people?
+1 for the giveaway!

I recently received Baldur's Gate from the community gifting thread (I was actually nominated by mrkgnao!), so I'd be interested in trying for either BG2 or IWD. My aim is to play through the original series after I finish up the two RPGs I'm playing right now. Of course, I'm not exactly sure when that will be since I play Morrowind at a snail's pace...

Regardless, thanks for the GA!
kusumahendra: I'd like to ask for opinion
Let's say we rate storyline of these games

Baldur's Gate 1+2 = 9
Neverwinter Night (base campaign) = 7
Neverwinter Night Hordes of the Underdark = 8

How would you rate Icewind Dale?
I was thinking if it's 6 or more I think it's worth to experience the game. It already has solid gameplay, if storyline is at least interesting (it doesn't need to be mind blowing) I think I might reconsider to enter this giveaway
I'm not sure I understand. For one, I don't agree with your ratings. Rating IWD based on them would really be guesswork on my part. Of those games, IWD might be closest to NWN, in the sense that the story isn't very involved, it's there to get you from A to B to C to end of the game. But I think that's a separate matter from it being good or not. And of course, story /= quests /= characters. But I feel you're overthinking it - just enter the giveaway and see for yourself if you win. Seeing how there aren't many participants - I guess most people who are interested already own these games - you just might :)
hyperagathon: I'm not sure I understand. For one, I don't agree with your ratings. Rating IWD based on them would really be guesswork on my part. Of those games, IWD might be closest to NWN, in the sense that the story isn't very involved, it's there to get you from A to B to C to end of the game. But I think that's a separate matter from it being good or not. And of course, story /= quests /= characters. But I feel you're overthinking it - just enter the giveaway and see for yourself if you win. Seeing how there aren't many participants - I guess most people who are interested already own these games - you just might :)
Yeah, now that I look back, those rating doesn't make much sense. I guess I do overthinking it. It's just that I have some long rpg in my backlog that even if I get Icewind Dale it will stay unplayed until at least next year, and I feel bad to people who give it. I already feel bad to one of fellow forum member who gifted me Last Remnant because I hold playing it for Baldur's Gate (I plan to do it once I finish BG1)

So, I guess I'm in for Icewind Dale

but please consider me as last resort, if no one else want it.
Not in & +1! :D