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Thanks for the giveaway. I am in for Among The Sleep

When I was growing up the most common ghost story told was about the Dungarvin Whooper. The Dungarvin River is in central New Brunswick, Canada. It is a remote area that is beautiful, serene and according to some haunted. According to local folklore a young cook at a lumber camp was murdered and buried in the woods during an intense storm. The cooks ghost haunts the forest in the spot he was buried with loud ghastly whoops and screams. Does the ghost exist or is it a tale told to children so they won't wander too far in the woods.
Thank you for the giveaway! I would like to be in for Day of the Tentacle Remastered so I can get out of the terror story where my friends threaten me to disown me because I haven't played it.

Jokes aside, a spooky atory from my childhood was the local legend of the "she-fox's cave" in my grandma's little village that shevtold my cousins and me. I don't know why it had such a big impact on us, it was just a cave where a fox was supposed to live (we never saw the fox of course). I guess my grandma was one hell of a storyteller. Probably there were grimmier versions floating around with additional hazards.
Ooooo. We have some wonderful spooky stories and jokes! Thank you to all those participating. :D

Over the weekend I was introduced to an investigative article on the Beast of Bray Road. For over 30 years, several farmers and people driving down Bray Road in Wisconsin have seen a huge wolf-like creature that is said to run on it's hind legs as well as all fours. Many sightings were investigated by a journalist and there is a book put out by her about the investigation, as well as several others. Recently a woman moved into an area nearby to Bray Road. She was going to let her dog out one night, but the dog refused to go, whining and wanting to hide. Later that night the woman's young daughter came into her bedroom claiming there was a monster at her window. The woman tried to get her daughter back to bed but she wouldn't go. The next morning the woman went outside the window to her daughter's room and found a 5-toed track that looked like a mix of wolf track and humanish. She called animal control and found out that the head of animal control in that area actually has a file labelled "Werewolf" full of reports. There was a laser cast taken of the print. Scientifically it has large wolf attributes, but it also has five toes and a double pad, almost like a heel added. Nobody has yet verified what the track actually is. There are plenty of photos and videos of the Beast of Bray Road, but many are blurry and there could always be hoaxes. However, Animal Control in the area still has a thirty year old file labelled "Werewolf" in their office and numerous reports every year go in that file.

Haunting Spookober, everyone! :)
Thanks for the chance!

I'm in for:
1) Pathologic 2
2) Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
4) Little Nightmares
5) Among the Sleep - Enhanced Ed.
6) Day of the Tentacle Remastered
7) Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY

Here are some silly jokes for you:

What should you always remember on Friday the thirteenth?
Your pants.

What’s the most disappointing thing about it being Friday the thirteenth?
The fact that Jason Voorhees is fictional.
Very generous giveaway. Not in but I'm a sucker for short horror stories. I'll enjoy reading all the entries.

BTW, whoever wins the Hellblade game, I recommend playing it with a good headset. A very underrated game IMO.
The Haunting Waltz of Hollow Manor

In a sleepy, forgotten town named Willowbrook, nestled deep in the woods, there was an old, dilapidated mansion known as the Hollow Manor. Locals spoke in hushed whispers of its eerie history, attributing strange occurrences and ghostly apparitions to this forsaken place.

The tale begins on a dark and stormy night, with a group of adventurous friends seeking a thrill that would test the bounds of their courage. They had heard countless tales of the Hollow Manor and decided it was time to see for themselves if the legends held any truth.

As they ventured into the mansion, the air grew colder, and the creaking floorboards beneath them echoed through the empty halls. They moved cautiously, their flashlights flickering as they explored room after room, each shrouded in an eerie silence. Paintings hung askew on the walls, their eyes in the portraits seeming to follow their every move.

In the dim light, they stumbled upon a grand ballroom, its chandeliers hanging precariously from the ceiling. Suddenly, the air was filled with the distant sound of ghostly music, and an otherworldly waltz began. The friends watched in disbelief as shadowy figures in elegant attire twirled and danced before them.

One by one, the friends were drawn into the spectral dance, unable to resist the mesmerizing music. Their bodies moved effortlessly as if guided by unseen hands. It was as though they had been transported to a bygone era, lost in the mansion's haunting spell.

Hours passed, and the music faded away. The figures vanished, leaving the friends exhausted and bewildered. They knew they had experienced something extraordinary, a dance with the ghosts of Hollow Manor.

As they left the mansion, the storm had subsided, and the moon cast an eerie glow over the place. The friends could never forget their encounter, a night filled with a mixture of terror and wonder. To this day, the Hollow Manor remains a testament to the mysterious and supernatural, a place where the past and present converge, and where brave souls may dance with the ghosts of long-forgotten times.

My heart longs for:
Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition
Monster Train + Monster Train - The Last Divinity
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Little Nightmares
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY

May the spirits of Spooktober guide my path through these chilling realms!
Big thanks to You for a spooky Giveaway challenge :)

I would like to be in for:

1) Strangeland
2) The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Deluxe Edition
3) Pinstripe
4) Monster Train + Monster Train - The Last Divinity
5) Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
6) Day of the Tentacle Remastered

A little ghost story:

Anna stopped at the edge of the road.
The full moon brightly illuminated the path straight ahead, a shortcut leading through the cemetery to the other side of the village, straight to her house, and on the left a country road to south, in a large arc surrounding the cemetery and the church in the distance, and then gently turning west to almost make a circle around the settlement to lead it to her destination. Ten minutes at a brisk pace and she'd be home with a hot cup of tea or almost an hour of further walking, twice as long as she had already walked from the train station.
Alone, at night, through the cemetery... She shuddered. Than she pulled her coattails tighter. The cold October air penetrated every layer of clothing. Suddenly she almost jumped in surprise.
'Good evening Miss'. She turned around and looked at a tall, handsome man in a carefully tailored brown suit who was speaking to her with a smile. ‘I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just coming back home along the path, at the beginning of which you standing.'
Unexpectedly she made up her mind and timidly asked if he could take her to the other side of the cemetery. The man bowed gallantly and asked her to accompany him. The walk together through the cemetery alley, although unhurried, passed like one moment; the man entertained his companion by telling funny anecdotes about local notables, which she listened to with interest: she was a new person in the village, she had started working at the local school only a month ago.
They reached the end of the alley. Anna, thanking the stranger for the pleasant company, said that she was very grateful to him, because even during the day she had shivers down her spine when she had to walk through the cemetery. He answered:
'You know, when I was alive I was also afraid to walk here.'
She turned back in surprise. In the moonlight she saw an empty path and a graveyard in the silence of the night.
A half-moon rode high in the sky as the newly married couple drove away from the church and headed across the valley and up the switch-back hill road to the bridge crossing the river to their small town. The autumn air was cool and crisp, the leaves crackled under the wheels and there was a touch of mist coming over the land. It had rained hard early in the day, but the rain had passed higher into the mountains and the valley had cleared nicely for the late afternoon wedding. The couple laughed as they drove, looking forward to the days ahead.

They were just nearing the bridge when suddenly something seemed to rise from the mist, spooking the horses. It was an old woman, some claimed to be a witch of the mountains, trying to wave them down. The groom tried to control the horses, but he was perhaps more afraid of the witch then the horses had been. It was said the witch wouldn't cross running water. Whipping up the carriage team, he ran the old woman down in his desperation to reach the bridge. The horses were running at full speed when they rounded the corner ... and too late they found the bridge had been washed away by the raging river after the storms in the mountains earlier that day. The old witch died that day, trying to warn the young couple. The groom was found far down river, drowned. The bride was never found.

Two centuries later a half-moon rode high in the sky as a man in his early thirties drove across the valley and up the switch-back hill road toward the bridge. It was scenic drive, even so late in the evening, and new to him as he had recently moved to the area. He could still appreciate the ambiance even though he was tired from working late at his new job and looking forward to getting home to his wife and baby. The autumn air was cool and crisp, the leaves crackled a bit wetly under his car tires and there was a mist rising and coming over the land. It had rained early in the day, but the evening had promised to be a nice one.

It was on the road just a little way from the corner leading to the bridge that he saw her. A young lady, in a white dress like an old fashioned bridal gown, walking alongside the road going the other way. He wondered about her, but he wanted to get home. Yet as he passed her by, something kept nagging at him. Who was she? Why was she there? Did she need help?

Sighing, he turned the car around and went back to check. There she was,standing along the road as if waiting for him. He rolled down the window and asked if she was okay. She only looked at him. He then asked if she needed help or a ride. She nodded and got into the back seat of the car and pointed back down the hill to the small city he'd just come from. Knowing he'd be even later getting home, the man still felt that he should make sure the young lady got back to the city safely. He tried to talk, watching her from time to time in his rear view mirror, but she only smiled or nodded and pointed down the road ahead.

It was at the city limits that things got weird. He looked in the rear view mirror to ask where she needed to go when he discovered she had disappeared. He pulled the car over, turning around to look in the back seat ... nobody was there. The man then got out of the car and looked around, checking the car door, but it wasn't ajar and surely he would have heard it if it had opened! It was impossible. He opened it, still nobody was in the back seat.

A sheriff's car pulled over, seeing him at the side of the road and asked if he needed help. A bit afraid of being considered crazy, the man still told the deputy about the woman in the white dress. The deputy listened, then nodded and told him he had seen the white lady of the river, the young bride who had vanished on her wedding night two centuries ago.

"As it turns out, it was a good thing you stopped to help her," the deputy said. "The river flooded and the bridge was out. I was just there to put up the signs and must have been just behind you. Had you continued in the dark, you might have missed it and gone into the river."

On occasion to this day some travelers claim to see a young lady in a white dress walking the road before the corner to the bridge, usually on nights when the river runs high.

It is now about 4.5 hours until the end of this Spooktober Giveaway. You still have a little time to get in your entry or edit your game choices. I hope you have enjoyed our spooky tales and jokes.
I'm in for (in order of preference)
1. Dying Light The Following Enhanced Edition
2. Strangeland

In my childhood I loved to read ghost stories. in my mother tongue obviously, not in English. Most of those stories do seem silly now, but one is still struck in my mind. The title of the story would translate into something like " Flies of olden Days". The premise was that the protagonist goes to buy some pencils at a stationary shop, and instead of going to his usual shop he finds one he has not seen before. After returning home he finds himself chased by a few flies that he believes he had seen in the shop. The flies are cold to touch, unnervingly so. To his horror and surprise he discovers that the brand of pencils the shopkeeper has given him had not been in production for decades, and when he goes back to the place he falls to find the shop anymore.

Season's greetings to everyone. Happy Halloween ! And greetings for any other festivals you might celebrate.
If it's not too late, I'd like to enter for Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition.

My spooky story is from when I was about 20 years old. I was on a trip with my dad and siblings and we were staying in a little motel. My siblings and I shared a room, and one night during our stay, I woke up late to find my older sister standing up from her bed and walking towards the door to our motel room. She opened the door to our room and just kind of... stared out into the night. Just standing in the door way, looking out. I softly said her name to get her attention so as not to wake my brother, but she didn't answer. She just stood there, and then... I thought I saw something, just barely visible in the nighttime dark, a figure, tall and whispy, with arms and tendrils of shadow, and the more I stared, the more it seemed like my sister was almost... inviting it in, but just as my vision was about to focus through the darkness, it vanished, as though it saw me staring at it and ran. She then closed the door and walked back to her bed and slept for the rest of the night. It honestly kinda felt like a dream, but it also felt so real. Any time I bring it up with her and ask her about it, she gets really mad and insists that nothing happened. Everyone would insist I was just dreaming or making it up. It got to the point where I was even doubting myself.

But I know what I saw, though at times, I kind of wish I hadn't.

Happy Spooky times, everyone!
bjgamer, thank you for administrating this Halloween-themed giveaway.

I wish to be considered for the following:
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition

Dear, For How Long Shall I Await Your Presence?

Time has caused my memory of your face to fade.
I only vaguely recall your smile, as we played.
We were together, always, but, something had changed.
You had departed abruptly, as if arranged.
I had wondered: "what might I have done?"
My repeated attempts to contact you have fallen on deaf ears.
My voice cries out your name, to no avail.
Why are you not here with me now?
I can not see; the world is dark.
My head can not be lifted; my bed is sparse.
I live in complete silence, longing for you.
Your touch is all that I need.
I have asked kindly, now, how should I plead?
There are sounds, from far up above.
Is this you, the one I dream of?
You call out my name, and, here, I realize.
All along, you had missed me, as I lay, with lifeless eyes.
You were the abandoned, and, only now do we meet.
Your death has caused my life to finally be complete.
Thanks for the GA :)

I'm in for:
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered
- Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition
- Pinstripe

Why is the air so clean and healthy on Halloween? Because with so many witches flying in the sky, it ends up cleaning the air.
Post edited October 22, 2023 by PMPMGamer
You know what, I'll get in the mood. Thank you BJGamer and your generous suppliers.

I'm IN for (in order) :

- Little Nightmares
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Deluxe Edition
- Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp

I'm going to edit in a spooky true story soon, but right now I just want to get a number before the deadline.

Edit: Ok so this story was told to me by my cousin. I know all the people in it and I know it to be truth.

My cousin's uncle (from the other side of his family) is married and had, at the time this event happened, a 9 year old boy called Pedro plus a 2 year old baby girl who I won't name.

A certain night he and his family got in the car for a trip. I can't remember where they were going but anyway they were going to travel during the night. He was driving, his wife by his side but she eventually traded places with her son because her daughter had woken up and was crying.

Details are unclear about what caused the accident that followed. Maybe the father fell asleep, or maybe it was the truck driver that hit their car, but anyway the passenger seat was crushed and my cousin's cousin died instantly. Everyone else survived nearly unscathed.

Everyone grieved but the boy's mother most of all. She felt survivor's guilt for swapping places with his son, as if it was her fault that he died and she lived. A couple months later, when she visited her ailing mother in her deathbed she made her a request: that once she gets to heaven she would find her grandson and tell him that the mother loved him and felt sorry that he died. And soon the grandmother died of old age.

A week later, the mother was alone at home when the landline phone rang. With a chill in her spine she answered the phone, and for almost 10 seconds she heard nothing but a breathing sound. Then suddenly a voice that she swore it was like her mother's quickly said "I can't find Pedro!" and hung up.

It was quite a frightening story, and worst of all I know all the people involved and none of them would lie or joke about it. It certainly did happen.
Post edited October 22, 2023 by joppo
The Spooktober Giveaway is now closed. Thank you to all participants! I have really enjoyed your tales, poems, jokes and creativity. We have some very imaginative entries from our ghasts and ghouls. :)
Also - good job, joppo! You got in right at the last minute. Well done! (Whew!)

Okay, I just wanted to get that announcement in for timing purposes.
Now I will list every qualifying entry - I'm pretty sure that is everyone who entered - in the order they entered.
Then I will input that list to and randomize it 13 times (for the Friday the 13th this started on).
Then I will announce the winners and send out the keys to these Spooktober gaming realms. ;)
Please be sure to have your PM set to public and redeem your keys by Midnight UTC, 31 October, 2023.

Making a list, Checking it twice ... Whoops! Wrong season.
Please cue the spooky laughter ... turn up the mist ... now bring in the ghostly gifts ...

We have winners! :D

The Spooktober Realms (Games):

Doing the Monster Mash - I hear it's a Gogyard smash (GOG keys):
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY ... PMPMGamer
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Deluxe Edition ... servobeupstry
- Darkwood ... bluethief
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered ... ConsulCaesar
* Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition ... DiffuseReflection
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice ... MaxFulvus
- INSIDE ... Clairsentient
- Little Nightmares ... Geralt_of_Rivia
- Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp ... joppo
* Monster Train + Monster Train - The Last Divinity ... ssling
- Monstrum ... erbello
- Pinstripe ... 4thDown
* Strangeland ... KillingMoon

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble from the Steamy Cauldron (Steam keys):
- Among the Sleep - Enhanced Ed. ... 51nikopol
- The Mooseman ... kenadrian
- Mordheim: City of the Damned ... ppavee
- Pathologic 2 ... L4rge
- Song of Horror - Complete Edition ... CervelloYM
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest ... Tokyo_Bunny_8990

Congratulations Spooksters! Your keys to your new realms will be haunting your way shortly!
Thanks again to all participants! Spook you next year!
Post edited October 22, 2023 by bjgamer
Wow, thank you so much for this exciting news! I can't express how thrilled I am to have won the key to haunting a new realm. It's truly a fantastic way to celebrate Spooktober! I appreciate the opportunity to participate, and I'm looking forward to diving into this thrilling adventure.

Thanks again, and happy Spooktober to you too!