A half-moon rode high in the sky as the newly married couple drove away from the church and headed across the valley and up the switch-back hill road to the bridge crossing the river to their small town. The autumn air was cool and crisp, the leaves crackled under the wheels and there was a touch of mist coming over the land. It had rained hard early in the day, but the rain had passed higher into the mountains and the valley had cleared nicely for the late afternoon wedding. The couple laughed as they drove, looking forward to the days ahead.
They were just nearing the bridge when suddenly something seemed to rise from the mist, spooking the horses. It was an old woman, some claimed to be a witch of the mountains, trying to wave them down. The groom tried to control the horses, but he was perhaps more afraid of the witch then the horses had been. It was said the witch wouldn't cross running water. Whipping up the carriage team, he ran the old woman down in his desperation to reach the bridge. The horses were running at full speed when they rounded the corner ... and too late they found the bridge had been washed away by the raging river after the storms in the mountains earlier that day. The old witch died that day, trying to warn the young couple. The groom was found far down river, drowned. The bride was never found.
Two centuries later a half-moon rode high in the sky as a man in his early thirties drove across the valley and up the switch-back hill road toward the bridge. It was scenic drive, even so late in the evening, and new to him as he had recently moved to the area. He could still appreciate the ambiance even though he was tired from working late at his new job and looking forward to getting home to his wife and baby. The autumn air was cool and crisp, the leaves crackled a bit wetly under his car tires and there was a mist rising and coming over the land. It had rained early in the day, but the evening had promised to be a nice one.
It was on the road just a little way from the corner leading to the bridge that he saw her. A young lady, in a white dress like an old fashioned bridal gown, walking alongside the road going the other way. He wondered about her, but he wanted to get home. Yet as he passed her by, something kept nagging at him. Who was she? Why was she there? Did she need help?
Sighing, he turned the car around and went back to check. There she was,standing along the road as if waiting for him. He rolled down the window and asked if she was okay. She only looked at him. He then asked if she needed help or a ride. She nodded and got into the back seat of the car and pointed back down the hill to the small city he'd just come from. Knowing he'd be even later getting home, the man still felt that he should make sure the young lady got back to the city safely. He tried to talk, watching her from time to time in his rear view mirror, but she only smiled or nodded and pointed down the road ahead.
It was at the city limits that things got weird. He looked in the rear view mirror to ask where she needed to go when he discovered she had disappeared. He pulled the car over, turning around to look in the back seat ... nobody was there. The man then got out of the car and looked around, checking the car door, but it wasn't ajar and surely he would have heard it if it had opened! It was impossible. He opened it, still nobody was in the back seat.
A sheriff's car pulled over, seeing him at the side of the road and asked if he needed help. A bit afraid of being considered crazy, the man still told the deputy about the woman in the white dress. The deputy listened, then nodded and told him he had seen the white lady of the river, the young bride who had vanished on her wedding night two centuries ago.
"As it turns out, it was a good thing you stopped to help her," the deputy said. "The river flooded and the bridge was out. I was just there to put up the signs and must have been just behind you. Had you continued in the dark, you might have missed it and gone into the river."
On occasion to this day some travelers claim to see a young lady in a white dress walking the road before the corner to the bridge, usually on nights when the river runs high.
It is now about 4.5 hours until the end of this Spooktober Giveaway. You still have a little time to get in your entry or edit your game choices. I hope you have enjoyed our spooky tales and jokes.