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high rated
[Give] S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky

same conditions as Psynoicon...

Just be registered before June 2015 and don't have negative rep.
Post edited June 21, 2015 by lifgatore
high rated
sisipie: I have a key for Stalker Clear Sky. Will give to anyone registered during or before May 2015, no rep required. (I feel like it would be hypocritical of me to have a rep requirement, considering I have none myself.)

Also, I'm $0.71 away from Xenonauts, so I'll probably have another code to give away later. Just have to find a relatively cheap game that I actually want and don't already have. (And yes, I already have the roach game.)
leon30: +1 for the generosity! May I request Xenonauts if you manged to unlock it and if you're giving it away of course :) Thanks!
I did get a Xenonauts key! It's yours if you still want it.
Like pretty much everyone else: [GIVE] Sim City 2000
If you have negative rep, don't bother asking for it.
leon30: +1 for the generosity! May I request Xenonauts if you manged to unlock it and if you're giving it away of course :) Thanks!
sisipie: I did get a Xenonauts key! It's yours if you still want it.
Yay! I still want it :) I contacted you through the chat.
high rated
I've got both Sim City and Stalker if anyone is looking for them.
leon30: +1 for the generosity! May I request Xenonauts if you manged to unlock it and if you're giving it away of course :) Thanks!
sisipie: I did get a Xenonauts key! It's yours if you still want it.
Redeemed thank you and here's another +1!
high rated
sisipie: I did get a Xenonauts key! It's yours if you still want it.
leon30: Redeemed thank you and here's another +1!
You're so welcome! And thanks for the rep.

If anyone is looking for a Stalker key, I've still got one. As a reminder, please be a registered member from May 2015 or earlier and have 0 or more rep (no negative rep).
Got Stalker CS from a nice fellow about a week ago and now I got my own, so tossing it back into the pond.

[Give] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

Be registered and have rep.
Edit: Actually, I'm not sure if I want them, let me think and perhaps ask tomorrow if I decide I do want Stalker and Sim City, if there any any left by then. :)

Also +1 to all the gifters, you're awesome!
Post edited June 23, 2015 by Green_Hilltop
Hi Everybody!

I have S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky so....

[Give] S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky.

- registered before June 2015
- don't have negative rep
- Please only ask for a game if you want to redeem it for yourself.
I still have:

[GIVE] Like everyone else: Sim City 2000 SE
[GIVE] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

I reserve the right to not give you a game if you don't show any other presence on the forums other than gifting threads or for any other reason - a meteorite crashes into the house, I contract Ebola etc. ;)
I still have:

[GIVE] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

No negative rep and registered before June 2015, presence on the boards, yada, yada, you know the drill by now.
[Want] S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
yogibeer: [Want] S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
I'll cover ya. Check your Chat.
Check my post on page 40. I think, my code for Clear Sky is still valid.