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mattiaswestman: I'm probably a little late to the giveaways, but if someone still want keys for the games below, just say so.
Requirement: Positive rep. Not that hard in other words.

[GIVE] Stalker: Clear Sky
[GIVE] Xenonauts
Hi mattiaswestman :) Can i have Xenonauts for my account?
Thanks in advance and +1 for the giveaway!
Post edited June 11, 2015 by DarkSoulPT
Huff: Sim City key to give to a worthy cause
nicohvc: I would like to take it BUT only if somebody else needs a copy of Age of Wonders. I would like to give age of wonders for someone who cuold't grab it in that past giveaway.

Does sombody wants an Age of Wonders key? Please reply this post. (min rep: 15)
I would love a copy, I'm Announcement's brother! I am actually dying to play it, she's not overreacting lol :P
[GIVE] Sim City 2K

If very active forum users know of someone that might need the key (or want to give it away), please ask for the code. The reason I'm asking for a very active forum user is: I'm not on these boards often enough to know scammers, but I do know plenty of active posters by name (cause I lurk).
Need rep > 500.

If no active forum user asks, the key will disappear in the ether from which it came.
I'll edit this post to say when the key as been given and to whom (active user and/or final recipient of key).
Complicated? I don't like scammers. I do like gamers and this community.

(tfishell, I believe there's a Reddit initiative of some sort you started if you want this key and see I haven't gifted it, please ask. It'll be given without question or hesitation).
nicohvc: thanks bricbrac!!! :D

Here is an easy puzzle for those who wants Guacamelee! for the Wii U (ninja giveaway thread)

and I'm still waiting for someone who needs Age of Wonders. First reply and 15 or more rep required.
adman17: Hi I would be keen for Age of Wonders, but not sure if I have / or how to get the required rep. Putting my hat in the ring anyway :-D
Svartfisk: I would love a copy, I'm Announcement's brother! I am actually dying to play it, she's not overreacting lol :P
Sorry guys but both of you doesn't have the min reputation required: fifteen points. I'd like to be fair with those who wanted the game too and didn't reply because don't have the rep neither. The "rep requirement" is a try for avoid scammers. I.E Everyone with the min rep can come and say that is Announcement brother. I'm not telling that u're not! lol ! but I want be fair with everyone with the requirement for grab the Age of Wonders key, that min of 15 points of reputation. Sorry dude :/
Also I want to give the key to someone that needs redeem it in his account. I very appreciate Announcement's honesty.

Sorry for my bad english and sorry for all the inconvenience!
mattiaswestman: I'm probably a little late to the giveaways, but if someone still want keys for the games below, just say so.
Requirement: Positive rep. Not that hard in other words.

[GIVE] Stalker: Clear Sky
[GIVE] Xenonauts (GONE)
[WANT] Stalker: Clear Sky.
Svartfisk: I would love a copy, I'm Announcement's brother! I am actually dying to play it, she's not overreacting lol :P
nicohvc: Sorry guys but both of you doesn't have the min reputation required: fifteen points. I'd like to be fair with those who wanted the game too and didn't reply because don't have the rep neither. The "rep requirement" is a try for avoid scammers. I.E Everyone with the min rep can come and say that is Announcement brother. I'm not telling that u're not! lol ! but I want be fair with everyone with the requirement for grab the Age of Wonders key, that min of 15 points of reputation. Sorry dude :/
Also I want to give the key to someone that needs redeem it in his account. I very appreciate Announcement's honesty.

Sorry for my bad english and sorry for all the inconvenience!
No worries! I understand. Thank you for the reply :-)
As it's been buried under 500+ new posts now, I'll bump my offer and mention again that a freebie code for Little Big Adventure is still available. :)

Edit: Redeemed.
Post edited June 11, 2015 by Zeyes
Anyone have a spare XENONAUTS key?

If your answer is yes and you are in a generous mood, I will be happy accept such a gift.
Post edited June 11, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Zeyes: As it's been buried under 500+ new posts now, I'll bump my offer and mention again that a freebie code for Little Big Adventure is still available. :)
If you still have this I would play it on my Mac (I sent you a chat).
Thank you for the offer regardless. +1
Vythonaut: As a reminder, my code for Simcity 2000 SE is still available! If you're interested in playing this classic but you can't afford to buy anything from GOG right now so as to unlock it, give a signal!
Is weird no one has responded you about that seeing this thread is about that, but what kind of signals? smoke made, bombs, hand signs or just a response? cuz I'd rather join the last of the latters!
metricfun: [GIVE] Sim City 2K

If very active forum users know of someone that might need the key (or want to give it away), please ask for the code. The reason I'm asking for a very active forum user is: I'm not on these boards often enough to know scammers, but I do know plenty of active posters by name (cause I lurk).
Need rep > 500.

If no active forum user asks, the key will disappear in the ether from which it came.
I'll edit this post to say when the key as been given and to whom (active user and/or final recipient of key).
Complicated? I don't like scammers. I do like gamers and this community.

(tfishell, I believe there's a Reddit initiative of some sort you started if you want this key and see I haven't gifted it, please ask. It'll be given without question or hesitation).
I could make you a PM or a discussion so you get the general list, just ask
Post edited June 11, 2015 by GioVio123
Zeyes: As it's been buried under 500+ new posts now, I'll bump my offer and mention again that a freebie code for Little Big Adventure is still available. :)
I have used the key that Zeyes offered.
Thank you Zeyes. :)
high rated
Hi everyone, I've got

[GIVE] Stalker: Clear Sky

Never gonna play this, so if you've got a positive rep let me know and I'll get you hooked up!
Post edited June 11, 2015 by bcool
high rated
Sorry, I don't have time to screen applicants, so I'll just have to put it up for grabs. :-)

Sim City 2000: -claimed-.

Clear Sky has already been claimed.
Post edited June 11, 2015 by Nudiustertian
If anyone has Xenonauts I would gladly take it for my account.
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