Was actually looking for a dedicated forum for this type of thing... guess this will work...
If possible I'd like a game or two (or movie, ha) I don't have in return, but it's not required.
I have a few... I rechecked my email and found a few others as well... I have the following
GOG Free games (expire July 21st 2015)
~~Simcity 2000
~~Stalker: Clear sky
given away (Xenonauts)
No expiration
~~Battle Realms + Winter of the Wolf
~~Age of Wonders
~~Magrunner: Dark Pulse
~~Dungeon Keeper Gold
~~Witcher: Enhanced Edition ((Two copies))
bmanbdaman: Please forgive the ignorance. Have a Stalker Clear Sky Unlock to [GIVE] but don't know how.
You just need to give the person the redeem code... they can then enter it here (they should probably log into their account first)