theslitherydeee: I hate to see you butcher my language.
nes400: we have a true patriot american here.. HIS language like you invent it
DyNaer: there's no key swap there, those keys have an expiration date; i prefer to give them to someone which don't try to take advantage of me. Which you obviously try to do.....
i didn't requested anything in exchange , so i think you should stop to whine
Anyway YOU ALREADY got some freebies from another gogers , what about playing those games ?
If you continue to harrass me , i will send a support ticket about your behaviour, so you are warned. (i'm not joking there, i 'm dead serious)
nes400: ok lets see your backlog.. see want can i report on support team
hows a ban/account lock down sound buddy?? to lose all your stuff..
Sorry i asked for a key with an expiration date which the publisher agreed with to give free codes for.
I don't have the disposable income to buy every game that i'm interested in. I was genuinly interested in this game but recently spent all my saved up money for games on the Witcher 3 CE and bought the Expansion Pass 2 days before the GOG summer sale. Once i am done with Witcher 3 i will play this game that i didn't have the money for anyway so the publisher didn't lose a sale, but has gained a potential fan.
I'm sorry that me asking for this key made you feel bad, and that you think of me as a pirate. Even though the last game i "pirated" was World of Warcraft because i didnt have the money to pay for a sub 10 years ago. But later went on to sub to that game for 8 years straight.
Every key i had a dupe of i have given away back to the community. i admit i haven't done a lot of giveaways from my own bank account because my finances don't allow it yet since im at an internship right now where i make 100 euros a month and only keep around 10 euros per month for budget on videogames. But once i am done with my college and am able to spend more money i am definitly planning to give back to the community.
Stick around the community and instead of spreading a negative vibe try doing something positive for a change instead of bashing the people giving back to the community. Hopefully you will be around when i am in the position to host my own big giveaway.
I hope to have informed you enough about my personal reasons that i asked for the XENONAUTS key.