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budejovice: This is a previous GOG freebie, but has no expiration. Respond to this message directly.
IAmSinistar: Good idea! Let me clean out these previously free items myself:

[GIVE] Age Of Wonders
[SENT] Dustforce DX
[GIVE] Little Big Adventure (Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure)
[SENT] Long Live The Queen
[GIVE] Torchlight

Reply to this post with which one you want. I will favour people I know first, but anyone can ask.
Hi Sinistar,

Editing to say I was most kindly ninja-gifted by ddickinson, so I no longer need the code for Little Big Adventure. Thank you anyway, for your generosity.

Going off to give out +1's....

Also, I have a key (don't we all) for

[GIVE] SimCity 2000

I will also favour people I know, athough most of them probably have it aready.

If anyone has a spare key for Xenonauts, I will throw my hat in the ring for that one. Don't think I can get my games budget up enough to get that as a freebie.

[WANT] Xenonauts
Post edited June 06, 2015 by ZenWan
[WANT] Xenonauts

If I can get lucky. ^^;
high rated
[Give} SimCity 2000

[Give] Stalker Clear Sky
Gnostic: [Give} SimCity 2000

[Give] Stalker Clear Sky
Thank You, Redeemed! (For Sim City, the shooter is still available)
Post edited June 06, 2015 by craig_ethan_123
MMLN: [WANT] Xenonauts.
budejovice: Check your Chat. Enjoy!

My Age of Wonders prior freebie is still available, otherwise I'm all finished up...
Thank you very much, I have totaly not expected this! Much much appreciated. Wish could you give more than +1 for this!!!
high rated
[GIVE] Sim City 2000 and the STALKER game

.....just like the rest of us
If anyone is generous enough and since I won't be able to reach the 20$ let alone the 50$ tier:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky ---> Got it! Many thanks to Treasure for his generosity!

Many thanks to all the donors!
Post edited June 06, 2015 by HijacK
high rated
Another SimCity 2000 key here up for grabs.

Edit: Already gone.
Post edited June 06, 2015 by rz4
ggf162: [GIVE] Sim City 2000 and the STALKER game

.....just like the rest of us
Could you please give me S.T.A.L.K.ER. Clear Sky please, if it's still available?
high rated
ZenWan: Hi Sinistar, I would like

Little Big Adventure (Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure) if it's still available. :-)

Going off to give out +1's....
if it is not still available, then be sure let me know, as I have a spare code for it, and the second game, both of which you would be more than welcome to have. :-)
low rated
Claimer: Long live the queen pls
gunsynd: PM me and I'll give you code for Sim City 2000.
I already get the code for Sim City 2000 and gifted it to a friend because it was not in my interest. But thank you for your offer^^
ZenWan: Hi Sinistar, I would like

Little Big Adventure (Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure) if it's still available. :-)

Going off to give out +1's....
ddickinson: if it is not still available, then be sure let me know, as I have a spare code for it, and the second game, both of which you would be more than welcome to have. :-)
Hi dd, that is very kind indeed. I think that Sinistar is not online yet, and I was about to buy both of the games, as the sale for them is ending soon.
I was sitting here giving myself all the reasons why I should buy 'just one more game, and another one more' when I know I shouldn't, as the games budget is gone. Moving is an expensive thing.

So your offer of the codes is greatly appreciated. :-D
[GIVE] Sim Sity 2000. Really not my style of game

Use ROT13 to get the code.
high rated
GIVE: Wasteland 1 GONE to RENKALAN
GIVE: simcity GONE

WOULD LIKE: Star Wars Rebellion (only if someone already has a code, please dont buy specially)

all gifts gone for now
Post edited June 07, 2015 by reaver894
high rated
ZenWan: Hi dd, that is very kind indeed. I think that Sinistar is not online yet, and I was about to buy both of the games, as the sale for them is ending soon.
I was sitting here giving myself all the reasons why I should buy 'just one more game, and another one more' when I know I shouldn't, as the games budget is gone. Moving is an expensive thing.

So your offer of the codes is greatly appreciated. :-D
Give me a few minutes and I will get them both send to you via chat. Be sure to edit your post to Sinistar to let him know you now have the game.