Posted October 15, 2016

In the meantime googling for DO2 brought me to Dark Omen Expanded 2..I think I'll try it :-)

If you want to get rid of your stuff I would still try to sell it in bulk on ebay - you don't have to write extensive description - just take a few hi-res pictures of what you own, add a comment that you prefer personal reception and that's it. Berlin is a big city - with luck you will get rid of all your stuff with one shot.
EDIT: Oh..maybe these guys will help/tip you what to do with your collection.
EDIT2: And these guys here go all over the country and prepare (over 80 so far) exhibitions with old gaming hardware/software. I was on one of such events with my son once they've visited Poznań. The site is in polish - but google translate it and there are plenty of pictures - you will realize what they do.
Post edited October 15, 2016 by tburger