hedwards: It does make me wonder if I'm being a bit harsh on the new movie. But, the jokes in the new trailer along with the fact that it appears to be a remake of sorts of the original with worse jokes does still concern me.
tomimt: Comedy is hard thing to cut in a trailer form I think. All comedy is based on context, timing and delivery, but trailers tend to show bits an pieces out of context and cut in a way that the timing and delivery suffers, so it's always a bit difficult to judge a comedic movie by its trailer. Personally I know I've laughed at trailers for comedies I didn't like at all and have been left cold by comedy trailers for movies I've ended up liking.
But I do think there's some several mistakes that they've done with the trailer, like making it realy far too much on nostalgia. It has scenes in it that look way too much like repeats from the the older movies. And then there's the scene where Leslie Jones slaps McCarthy twice and the second slap is shown in a way that makes it look way too violent and not funny at all. That scene just destroys the rest of the trailer for me at least.
I also think it's worth considering what other trailers were like from the '80s. I think they were probably a bit slower paced when compared wtih modern ones.
I think this trailer lost me prior to that exorcism joke. But, the exorcism joke itself fell flat on its face due to the delivery. Since they're essentially referencing The Exorcist or exorcisms in general, she doesn't seem to be anywhere near serious enough when doing it to make the joke work. Plus, she seems to be enjoying slapping the hell out of her.
It's not a bad joke per se, but she's clearly not the right actor for that role. I can only wonder what Hollywood is coming to if they couldn't find a better black woman to play the role.
Really, that joke was symptomatic of most of the other jokes they had. The jokes might have been funny if they had decent comedic actors doing the roles. And why is the female version of Egon vaguely lesbian? Is that going to be a thing in the movie, or am I making too much of that winking.
Strijkbout: Maybe they should change the name to Ghostbastards.
sunshinecorp: I'd watch that!
How about Inglorious Ghostbasterds? I think Quentin might have some time off right now.