gamesfreak64: sorry for my very late response , just noticed this topic today.
i have read most of the shit (to call it shortly) about all the problems going on, regarding the EU machine.
Britain started his Brexit campaign, and already big leaders around the world are saying " ohh, Brexit will mean doom and more nonsense.
Back then we had EEC
Since i been around now for 50 yearsand since my 12 i knew what was going on politically
thats will soon be 40 years of having to read all that shit they talked, and had to take all these dunb decisions for granted.
Imho shit hitted the fans bigtime in 2001, 2002 the introduction of the euro. Thats all.
Emob78: Yeah, long ago Europe decided to form a committee to have an agreement of contracts and pricing in the steel industry, and 50 years later that same committee (the new and improved EU) is telling its member states that they have to ban smoking from their pubs. Anyone else have a problem in how they got some A to B?
This is what happens when bought out politicians take a knee and sign away legislative and executive authority (not to mention national sovereignty) to international bankers. This is not conspiracy theory. That's history, kids. Same happened here in the states during the creation of the income tax and the Federal Reserve. Long story. Lots of bribes. Some good books written on the subject. All by crack pots, of course. Never listen to those bastards. They're all scam artists and lunatics. Don't believe anything you see on the internet. It's all a poor imitation of reality.
More bad news might be coming, seems the current president of the US is very PRO for the TTIP....
hillary claims to be against ( might be to get some votes) i googled and found this one: all kind of claims are beiing made about who is 'bad' and has mixed intrests, apparently its hard to talk in plain english , case this way the common people might know what is happening, so thats why the complicated stories.
this is a nice one:
One thing is for sure: TTIP may not end up being a perfect agreement. Europeans and Americans alike must make concessions but they will benefit together when customs duties are eliminated, certification is mutually recognized and when consumers decide whether to buy American or European products.
I guess they man that the same shits will be pushed through, but they will chance some small things but basically psuh the same shits through, noone will know but the bad sideeffects will be the same.
Well thats what our MP's and politcians are for: enrich themselves and 'sacrifice' the people.