paladin181: Depends on how old the original post is.
Aside: If a thread is too old I think the mods should do as they did once before and dump all such non active threads into the archives. :\
(They did it once before...I assume they could do so again if need be...thus locking a bunch of old non used threads and preventing the necroing of them)
Radiance1979: Nothing wrong with a good necro....
it is just a small post
some comments might even be considered funny
there is not a lot of fun these days around anymore
True, i've noticed a similar feeling(in general) IRL and online....people taking things too seriously/harshly.....but that's a topic for it's own thread, I think....or the offtopic threads.
Radiance1979: I wish they would hurry with star general!
Is that a game? If so mind telling me a bit about it in case I might be interested in it? :)