Spotted the thread in the list 20 minutes ago and decided to attack my long standing backlog game on file here as it's been a while since I tried to finish it. I'm at the very very end of Hydrophobia Prophecy on the very last boss - Sara. I've tried to fight this robot like 50 times and she just blows me up and laughs about it, very annoying. There's nowhere to run or hide really, and it is impossibly difficult. I've made so many attempts to attack her but the controls are so non-intuitive and awkward that I have to mentally think of each keypress mechanically with no immersion in order to try to pull it off and it's become extremely non-fun at this point.
Basically, there is this big room with water on the floor with a number of raised areas that are not covered in water. A huge floating robot in the middle of the room named Sara can launch bombs at you, fire some kind of plasma/laser type weapon at you and a barrage of machine gun fire all while laughing and taunting you. Your weapons on the other hand have no effect whatsoever on her. The only way to take her down is to wait until she opens these side panels that explose her bomb launchers, then switch weapons to the energy ammo and fire a single round through the open panel all while she's launching World War 2 in your face and killing you like 9000 times. Once you are lucky enough to get an energy round through her open panel, then you have to use your magic water manipulation skill to pick up an explosive barrel with the water and launch it at her within a short timeframe where she is temporarily disabled by your energy round. To do this you have to press 4 to select your water skill, then use the right mouse button while pointing at one of the nearby exploding barrels if there even is one near, then wait for the barrel and water to raise up, manipulate it in front of her then press V to launch it at her all within a very tight timeframe. If you take too long or screwup, she recovers from the temporary stun and you have to do it all over again, probably after getting killed again. Also, while she is active, if she's not dropping bombs on you, hitting you with machine gun fire or lasers, she can also fire an electric charge into the water and if you happen to be touching water you fry.
If you do manage to stun Sara, then launch a barrel at her it explodes and puts her temporarily out of commission for some time. When this happens, all of a sudden magically the previously locked doors that prevent you from leaving the room open up and 3-4 security guards come in the room from all angles attacking you with machine guns. Your gun has the worst aim and ballistics ever, so they're hard to hit without taking a lot of flak yourself. While you're trying to take care of these bad guys by switching ammo using the awkward user interface, Sara eventually springs back to life and if you haven't killed all of the soldiers then you have to contend with both them and her barrage of weaponry as before.
You must repeat this process I think at least 3 times hitting her with exploding barrels successfully without getting killed at all. You can not save the game when it is going well and reload to retry from there as the game is checkpointed, so it is an all or nothing from start to finish, you either hit her with energy to stun, toss an exploding barrel and hit her, take out 3-4 guards, then repeat that at least 3 times successfully without getting killed, all while dancing around trying not to get hit by all the firepower coming at you, or you die and start all over again, totally unforgiving and brutal.
The entire rest of the game was not like this, it was a decently fun game up until this final "boss monster". The difficulty reminds me of impossible to defeat final bosses on old 80s console games. It doesn't feel like an immersive experience nor fun anymore, but like it is stacked up against you to be impossibly difficult if for no other reason than to piss you off and want to smash the game over your knee, but you can't snap a digital game in half.
I've watched a few playthrough videos on Youtube showing people defeating Sara and they certainly make it look easy enough, but after how many hours of play did it take them to do it? I dunno, but I for one don't find repeatedly trying the same endless non-immersive impossible boss fight over and over again to be remotely fun.
So... I'm going to spend a bit more time trying to defeat this stupid robot, but if it doesn't happen soon then I'm going to just write this game off rather than finish it. It's more important to enjoy playing a game than to get a gold star for finishing it in my eyes.