initialpresence: If the mods do their job properly it can work.
PaterAlf: Right, because he doesn't have anything to do except monitoring and moderating this thread 24/7.
Why don't you go to one of the thousands of political forums to discuss political stuff?
The point is politics keeps getting into other threads and then they get shut down. BTW I usually don't start the political discussions which derail these threads, but as soon as I express my opinion, no matter how civil I am about it the thread gets shut down.
Tauto: Okay,I'll start with our Prime Minister stabbed in the back last week and sacked.
I presume the Australian Prime Minister. Can you elaborate for those not in the know, maybe some links to vids and articles, your own view on the subject. I presume you support them since you have described whatever happened to them as "stabbed in the back"?