Posted March 23, 2016

Mercedes G <3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Serbia

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted March 23, 2016
They seem to use similar argumentation that was used for Diablo 3, something something "seamless experience between single and multiplayer" something something.
But at least this time it apparently covers also the console versions, and not like Diablo 3 where all their arguments fall flat when the console versions appears, without requiring a constant online connection... Wow, what happened to the arguments that the game isn't really doable without requiring always-online also for the single player?
I just wish they'd be straight on why they require always-online, instead of trying to make me believe this is really what I want, I just don't know it yet. Thanks for being so condescending, how silly of me not wanting always-online for single player!
But at least this time it apparently covers also the console versions, and not like Diablo 3 where all their arguments fall flat when the console versions appears, without requiring a constant online connection... Wow, what happened to the arguments that the game isn't really doable without requiring always-online also for the single player?
I just wish they'd be straight on why they require always-online, instead of trying to make me believe this is really what I want, I just don't know it yet. Thanks for being so condescending, how silly of me not wanting always-online for single player!
Post edited March 23, 2016 by timppu

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Posted March 23, 2016

I guess we can forget about them giving us our Dukes back. :(

Vote for Ever 17!
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Steam is Power!
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From United Kingdom
Posted March 23, 2016

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted March 24, 2016
They are obviously happy with not getting my monies. You can has it Gog.

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 24, 2016
Nobody was going to buy that game for the single player anyway. So in this case at least nobody with any sense is adversely affected in the slightest.
Not that I in any way condone always online DRM. But in a multiplayer game it's irrelevant.
Not that I in any way condone always online DRM. But in a multiplayer game it's irrelevant.

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Registered: Jul 2014
From Canada

down with DRM
Registered: Sep 2010
From Other
Posted March 24, 2016
meh, not going to buy or play it anyway so they can keep their drm and shove them both ...

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From Germany
Posted March 24, 2016
LANs... Yeah, those memories... playing Doom over a DOS Utility that used the RS232 bus to "emulate" an Ethernet Connection and having 4 PCs connectec via null-modem cables (Uh, have to ask a friend again how they where chained, as I have no hint of that in my memory at the moment) was fun... with true ethernet cards it was more fun... playing quake deathmatch via a dial-up connection with a 2400kb modem was also fun, but online/WAN couldn't beat that LAN feeling... meeting in real life with friends over a weekend to just game, frag, splatter, game on... nope sorry sir, any game that doesn't support pure lan for multiplayer and insists on wan is a major "no go" on that "to buy or not to buy"-agenda of mine and could only be beaten by a "but great single player campaign (offline gaming)"...
Post edited March 24, 2016 by Sha_n_Dra

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 24, 2016

So no, I'm not wrong. My point is: Battleborn is not the kind of game that most people here would want anyway. Its features are not compatible with the superior options you've mentioned. Yes, more LAN friendly FPS would be great, but this was never going to be that game. Or one with dedicated servers.

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From Germany
Posted March 24, 2016
They don't! Dedicated means you start the game on one pc in "listening" aka "dedicated server mode" (no player, just hosting) and the players connect to it ... maybe games after the times of Quake/Unreal with the transition to more and more online gaming are not offering that option anymore, but the old Multiplayer LAN Games had it most of the time,,,
Post edited March 24, 2016 by Sha_n_Dra