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It's 2019 and we can't have nice things. Most 'professional' gaming websites are even worse than your average sponsored YouTube reviewer/news-repeater because they are either completely bought out by major publishers, absolutely incompetent or pretentious. On the other hand, YouTube personalities are mostly unbearably obnoxious as they often try to be funny by inserting memes, overused images or making funny faces / doing funny voices. If they aren't obnoxious, they are predictable and offer no real insight into the game/news they are talking about but are instead just parroting the common opinion online. And of course they are painfully narcissistic and think a video about a game should be less about the game and more about themselves.

I am looking for someone who talks calmly, doesn't make dumb jokes, doesn't really have a 'style' but is rather dry, and yet still is clearly enthusiastic about video games and not just a mainstream-pleaser. Someone who reviews mainstream games as well as well-produced Indie games. Someone who focuses mostly on PC games and not the billions of metroidvania 8/16-bit inspired platformers.

The closest I've gotten is 'Worth a Buy', since he reviews traditional-style PC games instead of the latest anime console-focused platformer, but he too belongs to the obnoxious joke-y category of YouTubers since he presents his opinions like a cartoon character. Another reference for what I am looking for is older reviews done by the german GameStar team (which fellow Germans may know as the game reviews that were posted in german AOL's gaming section back in the early 2000s).

Phew, I think I got all my criteria written up here. Thanks for trying to help!
Post edited June 24, 2019 by Karterii1993
Tom Chick is an old school critic who has been around forever and a day. His website is on the small side and you can find it at

I not really the biggest fan of reviews so I'm still undecided on the next two but so far they seem ok. and

As for Youtube it seems that gaming videos are the only thing that challenges to dominance of puppy and kitten videos and as a result you kind of need a gimmick of some kind to stand out.
TechSpot is good and also GamersNexus, these two are for hardware mostly but Techspot has some gaming news too.
I just go on YouTube and watch reviews from many sources. Wccftech is ok.
Post edited June 24, 2019 by novumZ
This made me realize how much I miss content from TotalBiscuit.
DadJoke007: This made me realize how much I miss content from TotalBiscuit.
Man, don't even bring him up because it just makes me sad. He was far and away the best 'news and reviews' gaming channel. If he was still around, I wouldn't have made this thread.
Post edited June 24, 2019 by Karterii1993
Try Yong Yea on YouTube. More news than reviews, but generally good stuff.
paladin181: Try Yong Yea on YouTube. More news than reviews, but generally good stuff.
I don't like YongYea since he pretty much just reads news articles that are available on all major websites. There isn't really a point to watching him over just skimming over gaming news headlines.
Karterii1993: Hiya,

It's 2019 and we can't have nice things. Most 'professional' gaming websites are even worse than your average sponsored YouTube reviewer/news-repeater because they are either completely bought out by major publishers, absolutely incompetent or pretentious. On the other hand, YouTube personalities are mostly unbearably obnoxious as they often try to be funny by inserting memes, overused images or making funny faces / doing funny voices. If they aren't obnoxious, they are predictable and offer no real insight into the game/news they are talking about but are instead just parroting the common opinion online. And of course they are painfully narcissistic and think a video about a game should be less about the game and more about themselves.

I am looking for someone who talks calmly, doesn't make dumb jokes, doesn't really have a 'style' but is rather dry, and yet still is clearly enthusiastic about video games and not just a mainstream-pleaser. Someone who reviews mainstream games as well as well-produced Indie games. Someone who focuses mostly on PC games and not the billions of metroidvania 8/16-bit inspired platformers.

The closest I've gotten is 'Worth a Buy', since he reviews traditional-style PC games instead of the latest anime console-focused platformer, but he too belongs to the obnoxious joke-y category of YouTubers since he presents his opinions like a cartoon character. Another reference for what I am looking for is older reviews done by the german GameStar team (which fellow Germans may know as the game reviews that were posted in german AOL's gaming section back in the early 2000s).

Phew, I think I got all my criteria written up here. Thanks for trying to help!
people want the "like" and "subscribe" button and will do nothing but predictability. it is 2019! all people care about is "like" and subscribe" ME ME ME! there are no objectives out there.
You'll probably like Squirrel and The Mighty Jingles. They both have nice, calm voices, but do mostly gameplay videos of simulators and not much reviews or news. You can fall asleep listening to these guys. :P

Take a look at ACG and GmanLives, if you don't already know them. They're both calmer than Worth a Buy and make less jokes.
low rated
Francis :D

And YES, I know he's just a fictitious character.
DadJoke007: This made me realize how much I miss content from TotalBiscuit.
Then perhaps i should start my own series to mirror what he did... except my rig won't be running 4k and be a $8k machine beast...

Though i do miss him too.
paladin181: Try Yong Yea on YouTube. More news than reviews, but generally good stuff.

Yeah i have found him so far reliable and more or less unbiased with a leaning towards gamers/users rights where things should be.

Jim Sterling isn't bad either, his Jimpressions for games are fairly straight forward without his 'prickish everyone grovel and thank me' persona for the Jimquisition show. Though many of his game feeds for games were on obviously bad games. But he praises games as well.

Larry Bundy Jr isn't bad, but tends to be fact hunts and less games. Plenty of educational/random stuff.

Angry Joe... not sure. When it's a bad game yes hearing him rant is good, otherwise it gets annoying. Decent short skits.

ProJared... haven't seen him post much stuff lately.
Skill Up

No characters, no hyperbole, no screaming... just thoughtful reviews.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by kai2
ariaspi: and GmanLives, if you don't already know them. They're both calmer than Worth a Buy and make less jokes.
He might make less jokes but when he does make them, they feel shoehorned in. I think a big problem with that is that it conflicts with his review style - itself kind of mechanical and lacking a touch of personality at times.
If you want calm reviews, check out Delrith's Rapid Fire Reviews on Angry Joe's channel. He just coldly lays down the review with pretty much no emotion behind it.
Probably not quite what OP wants, but I just have to give a shoutout to Tehsnakerer for mature, very indepth reviews, mostly of mid- or late-2000s jank. Also Accursed Farms for even older stuff.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by TentacleMayor