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nightcraw1er.488: Gta4 - drm hell, and even after getting it to work it was dreadful.
tinyE: That's further than I got. XD

Cool thing is at midnight I get to download Saints Row 2 here and I've never played any of those so I'm jazzed, good or bad.
They are gta like, but way over the top extreme. I quite enjoyed the second, didn't get on with the third that much. I would say its worth putting some time in, also check out the gentlemen of the row mod for sr2 as there are some issues with vanilla install.
nightcraw1er.488: Gta4 - drm hell, and even after getting it to work it was dreadful.
tinyE: That's further than I got. XD

Cool thing is at midnight I get to download Saints Row 2 here and I've never played any of those so I'm jazzed, good or bad.
I've recently played Saint's Row 3. Great sandbox game. If you ever had an entirely crappy day or had to sit in 20 MPH traffic in a 70 MPH highway for over an hour, it's a great way to relieve stress. Unfortunately some people take it to the real world. :(
JDelekto: Unfortunately some people take it to the real world. :(
Those people are mental to begin with.
tinyE: That's further than I got. XD

Cool thing is at midnight I get to download Saints Row 2 here and I've never played any of those so I'm jazzed, good or bad.
nightcraw1er.488: They are gta like, but way over the top extreme. I quite enjoyed the second, didn't get on with the third that much. I would say its worth putting some time in, also check out the gentlemen of the row mod for sr2 as there are some issues with vanilla install.
I have SR2, but I haven't played it yet, if you think it's a better than SR3, I think it's worth a look. I have played SR3 and the wh**ed mode made me laugh. Yes, it was unreal and over the top, but one of the best ways to relief stress.
nightcraw1er.488: They are gta like, but way over the top extreme. I quite enjoyed the second, didn't get on with the third that much. I would say its worth putting some time in, also check out the gentlemen of the row mod for sr2 as there are some issues with vanilla install.
JDelekto: I have SR2, but I haven't played it yet, if you think it's a better than SR3, I think it's worth a look. I have played SR3 and the wh**ed mode made me laugh. Yes, it was unreal and over the top, but one of the best ways to relief stress.
Saints Row 2 is less ridiculous but has just as much laughs. Even more so if you play it co op.
JDelekto: Unfortunately some people take it to the real world. :(
tammerwhisk: Those people are mental to begin with.
Agreed. There was a recent story in the news about a road rage incident in which an innocent 4-year old child was fatally wounded by gun fire.

I constantly see cases of people who are: a) too impatient to get from point 'a' to point 'b'; b) people who are too selfish at being 'first' in line (I see people overtake others and then reduce their speed slower than the person in front of them); and c) prone to violent reactions when others' are rude to them.

While I believe that people should have the right to carry arms, I believe that the right should be rescinded for those who inclined to be sociopaths.
JDelekto: While I believe that people should have the right to carry arms, I believe that the right should be rescinded for those who inclined to be sociopaths.
Little more complex than just sociopaths. Biggest issue is the woeful state of mental health care in general (well that and how piss-poor of parents some generations were/are).
JDelekto: I have SR2, but I haven't played it yet, if you think it's a better than SR3, I think it's worth a look. I have played SR3 and the wh**ed mode made me laugh. Yes, it was unreal and over the top, but one of the best ways to relief stress.
darthspudius: Saints Row 2 is less ridiculous but has just as much laughs. Even more so if you play it co op.
OK, going to install and check it out. I have too many games I haven't played yet, so I'm trying to pace myself (and uninstall on rotation) older ones that I've tried. My goal is to eventually play at least 10 to 30 minutes of every game on my game shelf.

Considering I have 1310 games on my shelf, it would take about 655 hours (not including installation/un-installation times), or 27.29 days (without sleep) to play 30 minutes of them all. Of course, I've already played some of them many times in the past.

However, given that the company I work for only gives me a limited number of days as PTO time and there are many other distractions in life, finding those 27 or 28 days to play a little of everything is difficult. :)
darthspudius: Saints Row 2 is less ridiculous but has just as much laughs. Even more so if you play it co op.
JDelekto: OK, going to install and check it out. I have too many games I haven't played yet, so I'm trying to pace myself (and uninstall on rotation) older ones that I've tried. My goal is to eventually play at least 10 to 30 minutes of every game on my game shelf.

Considering I have 1310 games on my shelf, it would take about 655 hours (not including installation/un-installation times), or 27.29 days (without sleep) to play 30 minutes of them all. Of course, I've already played some of them many times in the past.

However, given that the company I work for only gives me a limited number of days as PTO time and there are many other distractions in life, finding those 27 or 28 days to play a little of everything is difficult. :)
Give Saints Row 2 a little extra time. It starts off looking a little seriously but it doesn't take long before it goes bat shit crazy. (not quite to the degree of the third mind you)
Halo:Combat Evolved
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

These were easily 2 games I regret purchasing. The former for being an overrated run of the mill sci-fi FPS, the latter because it was buggy and the enemies all had aimbot hacks.

Bad GOG purchases, I'm proud to say out of a library of 169 games, only 2 purchased games are turds

Blood 2

Shame about Blood 2 as I really wanted to play that game again, even if it was no where near as good as the original. However, buying KKND2 because I liked the original was a mistake. Never finished it, never will, game is set to "hidden" in my library and it will stay that way until I'm old, grey, can't remember my name or where I'm supposed to take a dump.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by IwubCheeze
Darvond: Flash sales leading to 27,000 copies of bad rats?
I actually bought Bad Rats for myself awhile back. I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore.

timppu: As for Darksiders, I've played it only somewhat, but what I've seen so far was quite nice. I have no idea what this complaint about the "edginess" is, to me it sounds the same as complaining Terminator or Terminator 2 movies being childishly edgy [...] Who cares? They were and are still good entertainment.
Terminator 1 was well written, though. Darksiders strikes me more as a middle schooler's biblical fan fiction, and the edginess is really only one of many problems I had with it. There are tons of ugly blurring effects, enemies are sometimes able to hit you in the middle of your combos without blocking, the game failed to register keystrokes a bunch of times when I would try to finish off enemies, enemies randomly disappeared and reappeared for no obvious reason, and that's not even getting into the annoying puzzles that try to rip off Zelda but are instead tedious, or the million and a half things stolen from other games (like the portal gun) that weren't anywhere near as fun to use as in the games they're originally from. Plus I seem to remember the pacing being awful toward the end of the game.

It's been years, though, and I suppose some of that could be explained away as bugs that might not be present anymore. Maybe I should go back at some point and see if I still hate it.
nightcraw1er.488: Gta4 - drm hell, and even after getting it to work it was dreadful.
tinyE: That's further than I got. XD

Cool thing is at midnight I get to download Saints Row 2 here and I've never played any of those so I'm jazzed, good or bad.
Dumb question, but GOG or Steam version?

Either way it's a great game and so is Saints Row: The Third! IV is too but it hasn't made its way to GOG...yet.
IwubCheeze: However, buying KKND2 because I liked the original was a mistake. Never finished it, never will, game is set to "hidden" in my library and it will stay that way until I'm old, grey, can't remember my name or where I'm supposed to take a dump.
I really liked KKND2, better than the original.

The only issue I had with it was that overly annoying "mission failed"-bug. And it was a big issue, admittedly. I still finished the whole game (three factions/campaigns), but I sure did lots of game loading due to that issue.

Then again, I didn't consider it as a worse issue than the corrupting save games in the first Age of Empires, yet I finished that game too + the expansion.
Final Fantasy 13 collectors edition at release.... crap game waste of money. played about 4 hours never looked back
tinyE: That's further than I got. XD

Cool thing is at midnight I get to download Saints Row 2 here and I've never played any of those so I'm jazzed, good or bad.
NoNewTaleToTell: Dumb question, but GOG or Steam version?

Either way it's a great game and so is Saints Row: The Third! IV is too but it hasn't made its way to GOG...yet.