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Inquisitor. Whatever good qualities the story and atmosphere may have, the game is utterly hamstrung by the gameplay. In fact, I would deem it to be a nexus of anti-fun.

Ditto for Deadly Premonition. It has some nasty bugs, clumsy combat, and deliberately prevents the player from using the save function for chapter replays.

If someone ever puts together a museum of games that serve as an example of what NOT to do, I think those two games will get a spot.
Darvond: Botched translation, censored, or both?
Censored in a manner that made people think their games was bugged. I.e., the entire screen is blacked out with only sound remaining. Sole reason the game was 1-starred on Amazon in over 240 reviews (out of 340 odd total).
Darvond: Do people confuse Darkstalkers and Darksiders?
I quite often write Darkstalkers when I am referring to Darksiders.

What makes it especially odd is that I've never really played Darkstalkers, I merely recognize the name and know there is/was such a 2D fighting game (series?) in the arcades, I think I've sometime watched someone else play it a bit.

As for Darksiders, I've played it only somewhat, but what I've seen so far was quite nice. I have no idea what this complaint about the "edginess" is, to me it sounds the same as complaining Terminator or Terminator 2 movies being childishly edgy: "Hey look, I am this cool terminator robot, with red eyes, leather jacket, sun glasses and big muscles, ouf ouf ouf! And I am this edgy human resistant fighter dressing up as a school shooter, and keeping a cool sawed-off shotgun under my smelly armpit".

Not to mention how "edgy" the Matrix movie was, with all that leather and sunglasses and cool Nokia banana phones...

Who cares? They were and are still good entertainment.

Mentioning "Matrix" certainly makes me feel old. I still consider it as some kind of a kickass new wave movie, but then realize how old a movie it is nowadays... Heck, there are people who weren't even born yet when that movie came out!
Post edited October 25, 2015 by timppu
Another War - on paper it was a great idea: Baldur's Gate/Baldur's Gate II-style CRPG game play, only set in WWII Poland with period-authentic weapons, items and tactics, and with a film noir jazz-style soundtrack, and hand-illustrated backgrounds to boot.

Except in execution it was the worst CRPG I've ever played. Characters had horrible AI, clipping and pathfinding issues. Enemies were horribly OP even on lower difficulty settings, and combat pretty much devolved into you and Nazi Guard #23451 hitting each other over the head with knives and sticks for 5 minutes until someone fell on the ground. Guns were absolutely useless, with characters missing even at point-blank range. Oh sure, you could pick the "charming diplomat"-type character class (I guess analogous to a Thief/Bard), who had additional skills in using pistols and rifles, but then you had to deal with them being incredibly weak characters who could die in a just a few hits.

I can't believe I picked this game over Fallout 1. I wish I could go back in time and slap myself for such a horrible decision.
rampancy: I thought the situation with shovelware wasn't a problem on Nintendo's online store for the Wii. Wow, I'm really surprised that even Nintendo's had this problem too.
Darvond: Nintendo Wii, the system that brought you Data Design Interactive and Ninjabread Man. It was such a problem it spilled over into physical share too.
After watching some YouTube videos of Anubis II, Ninjabread Man, and a horrible HP/Quiddich rip-off title, I am so, so, sorry. I think that company must have single-handedly sunk the Wii in the eyes of many as a serious hard-core gaming platform.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by rampancy
Dark souls, easily the worse game ever.

Gta4 - drm hell, and even after getting it to work it was dreadful.

The wii - other than being able to pls gamecube games, there really wasn't many interesting games.

A pc from pc world, they had glued the ram to the motherboard and used all the slots to stop upgrading.

Windows vista.

Baldurs gate - principally because I have lost so much of my life playing it, and no that is not the moneygrab "enhanced" crap.
rampancy: I think that company must have single-handedly sunk the Wii in the eyes of many as a serious hard-core gaming platform.
As someone that had a Wii, the shovelware was so bad I stopped looking at games to the point where I never even bothered with some good Nintendo published ones until much much later.
nightcraw1er.488: Dark souls, easily the worse game ever.

Gta4 - drm hell, and even after getting it to work it was dreadful.

The wii - other than being able to pls gamecube games, there really wasn't many interesting games.

A pc from pc world, they had glued the ram to the motherboard and used all the slots to stop upgrading.

Windows vista.

Baldurs gate - principally because I have lost so much of my life playing it, and no that is not the moneygrab "enhanced" crap.
How is Dark Souls the worst game ever? If you don't mind me asking.

Oh god, in my previous post I should have listed the GTA games. DRM, bugs, publisher that doesn't give a fuck, and a boring ass plot(s) to boot.

...That PC world thing is hilarious to me... was that per chance the computer with Vista? :-)
Post edited October 25, 2015 by tammerwhisk
Sonic Adventure.

I never cared much for sonic. But I played this at a kiosk as a wee lad and it was fairly awesome.

You gotta understand there were not a whole lot of 3D open games around yet. Looked great too.

Fast forward like 12 years and you can say it was pretty underwhelming.
rampancy: I think that company must have single-handedly sunk the Wii in the eyes of many as a serious hard-core gaming platform.
tammerwhisk: As someone that had a Wii, the shovelware was so bad I stopped looking at games to the point where I never even bothered with some good Nintendo published ones until much much later.
nightcraw1er.488: Dark souls, easily the worse game ever.

Gta4 - drm hell, and even after getting it to work it was dreadful.

The wii - other than being able to pls gamecube games, there really wasn't many interesting games.

A pc from pc world, they had glued the ram to the motherboard and used all the slots to stop upgrading.

Windows vista.

Baldurs gate - principally because I have lost so much of my life playing it, and no that is not the moneygrab "enhanced" crap.
tammerwhisk: How is Dark Souls the worst game ever? If you don't mind me asking.

Oh god, in my previous post I should have listed the GTA games. DRM, bugs, publisher that doesn't give a fuck, and a boring ass plot(s) to boot.

...That PC world thing is hilarious to me... was that per chance the computer with Vista? :-)
Dark souls on the pc requires.a ton of mods to make it work. Even with that the controls are appalling, no story, the graphics make me feel sick they are that bad, spent an hour trying to work out how to open the main menu,

camera spins wildly when its open, seriously nothing right with it at all. It may be better on console.

GTA up to and including san Andreas are great, never had any problems with them, number 4 not only killed the series, but rockstar in total. Once they were one of my favourite, now I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
nightcraw1er.488: Dark souls on the pc requires.a ton of mods to make it work. Even with that the controls are appalling, no story, the graphics make me feel sick they are that bad, spent an hour trying to work out how to open the main menu,
It requires literally 1 mod (dsfix). And let me guess you tried to mouse and keyboard it? Unless you are a masochist the game requires the precise movement control of a gamepad. It does have a story, it is just mostly ambient and up for interpretation (rather than shoved in your face). The graphics are really good for a port if dsfix is configured properly.
camera spins wildly when its open, seriously nothing right with it at all.
Yeah, I'm going to bet you tried to mouse and keyboard it. Probably with a high dpi mouse to boot.
It may be better on console.
PC is the definitive version of it when it is properly configured. That said the gamepad heavily recommended notice on it's Steam page is not a joke.
Probably just not your type of game.
GTA up to and including san Andreas are great, never had any problems with them, number 4 not only killed the series, but rockstar in total. Once they were one of my favourite, now I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
I got all of them in a Steam sale and enjoyed none of them. Definitely not my sort of thing, but even still 4 takes the cake on being terrible mechanically, performance wise (had like what 3 drms?), thematically, and gameplay wise.
nightcraw1er.488: A pc from pc world, they had glued the ram to the motherboard and used all the slots to stop upgrading.
Wait, so you're actually saying that they glued the RAM DIMMs to their respective slots? That's a dick move if I ever heard one. What about the expansion slots? Could you remove whatever they put in there and use your own upgrade cards?
Games? There must have been a few, one that immediately comes to mind is Dont Starve. It's not a bad game, but it's not a game for me. To me it's boring and annoying, always starting over, not really knowing what I'm doing or why, just starting over and over so I can get a little better for the next time when I start over... fuck that. I'd rather staple my dick to a burning log than have to make one more axe or invent the hammer one more time.

As for som gaming-related stuff... I really never bought any such gadgets, controllers, super gaming keyboards and shit. I always use some run of the mill keyboard and mouse and it works fine for me.
Breja: fuck that. I'd rather staple my dick to a burning log
If there ever was a statement showing how much someone detests something... This is it.
nightcraw1er.488: A pc from pc world, they had glued the ram to the motherboard and used all the slots to stop upgrading.
rampancy: Wait, so you're actually saying that they glued the RAM DIMMs to their respective slots? That's a dick move if I ever heard one. What about the expansion slots? Could you remove whatever they put in there and use your own upgrade cards?
Yep, although I can't remember if they were simm's or dimm's, it was a ways back. As for the cards, can't remember. Back in those days it seemed to be the norm to get people to buy a new machine each time.
nightcraw1er.488: Dark souls on the pc requires.a ton of mods to make it work. Even with that the controls are appalling, no story, the graphics make me feel sick they are that bad, spent an hour trying to work out how to open the main menu,
tammerwhisk: It requires literally 1 mod (dsfix). And let me guess you tried to mouse and keyboard it? Unless you are a masochist the game requires the precise movement control of a gamepad. It does have a story, it is just mostly ambient and up for interpretation (rather than shoved in your face). The graphics are really good for a port if dsfix is configured properly.

camera spins wildly when its open, seriously nothing right with it at all.
tammerwhisk: Yeah, I'm going to bet you tried to mouse and keyboard it. Probably with a high dpi mouse to boot.

It may be better on console.
tammerwhisk: PC is the definitive version of it when it is properly configured. That said the gamepad heavily recommended notice on it's Steam page is not a joke.
Probably just not your type of game.

GTA up to and including san Andreas are great, never had any problems with them, number 4 not only killed the series, but rockstar in total. Once they were one of my favourite, now I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
tammerwhisk: I got all of them in a Steam sale and enjoyed none of them. Definitely not my sort of thing, but even still 4 takes the cake on being terrible mechanically, performance wise (had like what 3 drms?), thematically, and gameplay wise.
Yep, mouse and keyboard was quite a bit of the problem, however not had those issues with any other games. How is a gamepad more precise than a keyboard and mouselook? The graphics made me feel ill they were that bad, and that was with dsfix. These were only some of the problems by the way, I am not mentioning for instance a totally obscure UI setup, checkpoint saves, autoaiming etc. AS for the steam, well that is another thing, thankfully I was playing it on a friends computer as I don't use Steam, although I do happen to own a hardcopy of the game - crazy I know.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by nightcraw1er.488
nightcraw1er.488: Gta4 - drm hell, and even after getting it to work it was dreadful.
That's further than I got. XD

Cool thing is at midnight I get to download Saints Row 2 here and I've never played any of those so I'm jazzed, good or bad.
nightcraw1er.488: Yep, mouse and keyboard was quite a bit of the problem, however not had those issues with any other games. How is a gamepad more precise than a keyboard and mouselook?
M+KB and gamepad prioritize different things. For aiming mouse is king, but mouse and keyboard really suffer when it comes to fine movement control in a 3D space. With keyboard you simply do not have the fine directional control and speed control as you would with an analog (stick) control method. Speed, direction, and positioning are more important in Souls than fine camera control.
The graphics made me feel ill they were that bad, and that was with dsfix.
I always downsample from 4K, looks really nice in my opinion with the proper settings.
These were only some of the problems by the way, I am not mentioning for instance a totally obscure UI setup
Yet another aspect designed with a controller in mind, rather than m+kb.
checkpoint saves
A necessity to avoid save-scumming.
It is third person melee combat primarily... of course it will have a lock-on system.