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LesterKnight99: Colonial Marines. Not even worthy of having the "Aliens" title behind it. The game is what would happen if someone took a shit, put on a top hat and monocle on it, and plopped it in front of many people, expecting at least one person to think it's funny. That person may find it funny, but also disgusting and a waste of time. The game is that, and worse-it's boring.
monkeydelarge: I'm a huge Aliens fan and I really don't get your hate for the game. The graphics are very Aliens like. The combat is intense. And there are lot of very Aliens like moments in the game. Of course, thanks to Gearbox, the game is nowhere near as good as it should be.

I also do not know of any other game that lets you follow the footsteps of the Marines who fought and died on LV-426.

I regret buying a PSP many years ago. The PSP has a poor selection of games. And the few good games were hard to find in stores. And it was overpriced. Actually there are tons of gaming stuff I regret purchasing but I don't feel like listing them all here.
I've only tried the first few minutes and it was terrible. However, i did speed through said minutes, just to get a taste of the game. Maybe my judgement was too harsh. I'll try it again at one point. Thanks!

And yeah, Gearbox REALLY messed up. Borderlands 1 & 2 are perfection (though i prefer the semi-serious tone of the first more than the all-out hilarity approach of the second), so they should have made the gunplay more interesting (again, sped through those minutes, so I should give more time to it to form a better impression).
monkeydelarge: I'm a huge Aliens fan and I really don't get your hate for the game. The graphics are very Aliens like. The combat is intense. And there are lot of very Aliens like moments in the game. Of course, thanks to Gearbox, the game is nowhere near as good as it should be.

I also do not know of any other game that lets you follow the footsteps of the Marines who fought and died on LV-426.

I regret buying a PSP many years ago. The PSP has a poor selection of games. And the few good games were hard to find in stores. And it was overpriced. Actually there are tons of gaming stuff I regret purchasing but I don't feel like listing them all here.
LesterKnight99: I've only tried the first few minutes and it was terrible. However, i did speed through said minutes, just to get a taste of the game. Maybe my judgement was too harsh. I'll try it again at one point. Thanks!

And yeah, Gearbox REALLY messed up. Borderlands 1 & 2 are perfection (though i prefer the semi-serious tone of the first more than the all-out hilarity approach of the second), so they should have made the gunplay more interesting (again, sped through those minutes, so I should give more time to it to form a better impression).
The beginning of Aliens Colonial Marines is boring but if they made it more intense in the beginning, a lot of people would probably rage quit after dying a few times. It takes time to get used to dealing with an enemy that attacks you from all sides, the ceiling, the walls etc. The Xenomorphs don't actually attack the way Xenomoprhs should in the game but close enough. I don't mind because this way, the game is not too hard. If they made the game 100% true to Aliens, it would probably almost be impossible to beat the game. The survivors of Aliens didn't actually win. They ran away. It would also be no fun to experience this happening to you 100 times in one game session. The two biggest problems with Aliens Colonial Marines is the AI for the Xenomorphs need more work and too many COD moments that have you fighting humans. But half of the Alien Isolation game has you running away and hiding from androids and people... So it could be worse.
Post edited October 31, 2015 by monkeydelarge
I bought Lair (PS3) for like 6 bucks. Used it for target practice later.
ScotchMonkey: I bought Lair (PS3) for like 6 bucks. Used it for target practice later.
For some reason, I imagined arrow practice.
Nintendo Wii. Which was really sad because I fully expected the demo disk to be the best the console would ever offer... IMHO, I was right (shame on me for not listening to myself). It was a one trick pony and I rarely ever felt like riding ponies. When I tried to sell, I couldn't even get $50.00 for a mint console in box with 10 games, 4 controllers, 4 controller pads, legacy controllers, stands, chargers, etc. Finally just gave it to a charity.

Honorable mentions:

Max Payne 3.
Auryn's quest.
DLC for L.A. Noire on the console (only because it won't transfer to PC and I need to buy it again if I want to play it).

I've played some real garbage in bundle purchases, but I won't mention those games as I rarely ever bought the bundle for those games and its not much of a regret when a game averages out to 0.25 cents... no matter how bad it is.
hucklebarry: Nintendo Wii. Which was really sad because I fully expected the demo disk to be the best the console would ever offer... IMHO, I was right (shame on me for not listening to myself). It was a one trick pony and I rarely ever felt like riding ponies. When I tried to sell, I couldn't even get $50.00 for a mint console in box with 10 games, 4 controllers, 4 controller pads, legacy controllers, stands, chargers, etc. Finally just gave it to a charity.
I bought a used classic black edition indcluding the 4 GC controller ports with a lot of games for 70€ last year, modded the hell out of it so I can play GameCube via SD-card and Wii via my old external 500gb HDD and used it mostly for both Mario Karts and Mario Tennis. Since I've sold all the games I wasn't really interested in anyway separately, I actually have gotten most of the 70€ back again. I've bought 4 pads with extension cables, a second vertical Wii-stand for the external HDD, an HDMI adaptor and plan on building a small box with screen out of it someday.

Compared to SNES it's crap of course, but only considering the games you can play with the GC gamepads, it's actually not so bad although I'd never have bought it for the full price.
As always with Nintendo, the resolution is crap of course.
Post edited November 02, 2015 by Klumpen0815
The Witcher 2. Probably it was about fifty sterling on Amazon pre-order; and post Dethmold I would and could not replay it. But at least this spared me repeat encounter of the scripted tentacle monster that had little joy...for a PC gamer.

And obviously I hope BioWare does not behave so piss-poor upon next DA (Dragon Age) title, for the PC crowd.
hucklebarry: Nintendo Wii. Which was really sad because I fully expected the demo disk to be the best the console would ever offer... IMHO, I was right (shame on me for not listening to myself). It was a one trick pony and I rarely ever felt like riding ponies. When I tried to sell, I couldn't even get $50.00 for a mint console in box with 10 games, 4 controllers, 4 controller pads, legacy controllers, stands, chargers, etc. Finally just gave it to a charity.
I actually retired my Wii just today. It now lays in a dresser drawer. I decided to boot it up one last time for a 'Man I wish this was on a system with real power' in Endless Ocean 2, and a 'Let's see how poorly this has aged' for Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the Barren Wasteland. Then I quietly unplugged everything and put it all away.

Now to wait 5-10 years for collector value to plummet on New Super Mario Bros Wii!
Darvond: I actually retired my Wii just today. It now lays in a dresser drawer. I decided to boot it up one last time for a 'Man I wish this was on a system with real power'
Like this?
ScotchMonkey: I bought Lair (PS3) for like 6 bucks. Used it for target practice later.
Darvond: For some reason, I imagined arrow practice.
That would be going easy on it.
Klumpen0815: Like this?
Yes, but with a game I don't loathe. :b

Also, I somehow the Nvidia 210 in my machine would be up to the task. Someone did say this might fight in my Optiplex 780 SFF.
Ric1987: Nothing. Even if I dislike a game I never feel regret about trying it. I'm nowhere near rich but won't sweat 5-60 bucks.
This post is basically =
All games I bought on Steam that turned up on GOG later on. Forecasting releases could save me a lot of money (not that I buy games on Steam if they aren't reasonable rental-prises, but all games on Steam I've tagged as 'less or no DRM elsewhere' that never get played no more sure add up).
DubConqueror: All games I bought on Steam that turned up on GOG later on. Forecasting releases could save me a lot of money (not that I buy games on Steam if they aren't reasonable rental-prises, but all games on Steam I've tagged as 'less or no DRM elsewhere' that never get played no more sure add up).
Man I would be so heated.
Lords of Xulima. Just a bad game. Retro shouldn't be an excuse for mediocrity.