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ShadowDragon8685: Let me to it to you this way;
If Sword Coast Legends was a total conversion mod of a Dragon Age Game, the internet would be on fire singing its praises, what with the authentically Faerunian setting, the voice acting, and such.

It was a $60 full title with which we were promised a good DMing mode and drew frequent comparisons to NWN, and proudly boasts "Based on Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition rules," yet the comparisons to NWN lead me to conclude I'd be better off buying the original NWN again, the DMing mode is a fucking joke, and it's "based on 5th edition rules" in the way that Faerun is "based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkein." The gameplay is straight out of a Diabloalike, and it's very "meh" sub-par tier diabloalike.
5th edition? I hear nobody talk about that.
Pardinuz: Gaming related crap?
The most embarrassing is when I was a gameboy Pokemon nerd and made my mom buy me the TV series soundtrack CD.........
You know what's even more embarrassing? Buying it for yourself... when you're 20-years-old. :-O I told the store clerk it was for my little cousin. :-P
Pardinuz: Gaming related crap?
The most embarrassing is when I was a gameboy Pokemon nerd and made my mom buy me the TV series soundtrack CD.........
Palidor12: You know what's even more embarrassing? Buying it for yourself... when you're 20-years-old. :-O I told the store clerk it was for my little cousin. :-P
I'm sure the store clerk has their own guilty pleasures too ;)
Pardinuz: Gaming related crap?
The most embarrassing is when I was a gameboy Pokemon nerd and made my mom buy me the TV series soundtrack CD.........
Palidor12: You know what's even more embarrassing? Buying it for yourself... when you're 20-years-old. :-O I told the store clerk it was for my little cousin. :-P
A few weeks ago I went into a store and bought a Go-Gos cd for myself. :P
tinyE: A few weeks ago I went into a store and bought a Go-Gos cd for myself. :P
Your secret is safe with us. I'm paraphrasing.
budejovice: "DRM-free" games from Gamersgate! (Some assembly [client] required.)
Do they still make you go through the hoops of having to use their "downloader"? I used to go to Gamersgate quite often to browse, but I thought they'd given up entirely on DRM-free games and went Steam key-only.
Darvond: I haven't even heard of that game.
ShadowDragon8685: Let me to it to you this way;
If Sword Coast Legends was a total conversion mod of a Dragon Age Game, the internet would be on fire singing its praises, what with the authentically Faerunian setting, the voice acting, and such.

It was a $60 full title with which we were promised a good DMing mode and drew frequent comparisons to NWN, and proudly boasts "Based on Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition rules," yet the comparisons to NWN lead me to conclude I'd be better off buying the original NWN again, the DMing mode is a fucking joke, and it's "based on 5th edition rules" in the way that Faerun is "based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkein." The gameplay is straight out of a Diabloalike, and it's very "meh" sub-par tier diabloalike.
With all of the hoopla I heard surrounding that game, I got the impression that it's flaws as a D&D game would be forgiveable if it were a half-decent Diablo clone, but it's not even a good Diablo clone.
Post edited October 30, 2015 by rampancy
tinyE: A few weeks ago I went into a store and bought a Go-Gos cd for myself. :P
Physical media in 2015?
Colonial Marines. Not even worthy of having the "Aliens" title behind it. The game is what would happen if someone took a shit, put on a top hat and monocle on it, and plopped it in front of many people, expecting at least one person to think it's funny. That person may find it funny, but also disgusting and a waste of time. The game is that, and worse-it's boring.
tinyE: A few weeks ago I went into a store and bought a Go-Gos cd for myself. :P
Darvond: Physical media in 2015?
I love my cds and I am never giving them up! Besides, they're cheap! :D
I regretted buying Alan Wake - broken controls and boring, repetetive gameplay. After all that hype it was a major disappointment.

And I regret having played Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis. The insultingly bad ending that was forced upon the player was so infuriating, that I decided to never buy a Larian game again. Worst storytelling ever.
budejovice: "DRM-free" games from Gamersgate! (Some assembly [client] required.)
rampancy: Do they still make you go through the hoops of having to use their "downloader"? I used to go to Gamersgate quite often to browse, but I thought they'd given up entirely on DRM-free games and went Steam key-only.
My last experience with them was coming up on a year ago so I'm not sure what they're like now. More of the same I assume unless they're now totally Steam. I placed just that one order because of their downloader. I think there are hoops one can jump through to back up installers - but just getting out of bed in this world is sometimes more than enough hoops to jump through. :)
Post edited October 30, 2015 by budejovice
Bought a Sega console way back when. Never really got into it so that was wasted money.

Some colleague convinced me to buy F-Zero for some console or another. Didn't really like it, so I went back to playing the fantastic Rock 'n Roll Racing.

In 1995, I shelled out a chunk for a new PC that claimed to be OverDrive ready. Uh, yeah, it wasn't. Called NEC to ask why the new chip I bought wasn't working in their "compatible" system. You can guess how far that conversation went.
Games I would pick are,
Resident Evil 4 for the Wii because the controls were half assed and the gameplay felt outdated. The other Wii RE game wasn't that great either as a plain on the rails shooter.

Quake 4 due it being lame mix of quake 2 and quake 3 but not as good as either.
Spectre: Games I would pick are,
Resident Evil 4 for the Wii because the controls were half assed and the gameplay felt outdated. The other Wii RE game wasn't that great either as a plain on the rails shooter.

Quake 4 due it being lame mix of quake 2 and quake 3 but not as good as either.
Wait, Resident Evil IV? Wasn't the series up to VI by that point?

Quake IV, was that the one where the strogg come back and aren't that impressive?
LesterKnight99: Colonial Marines. Not even worthy of having the "Aliens" title behind it. The game is what would happen if someone took a shit, put on a top hat and monocle on it, and plopped it in front of many people, expecting at least one person to think it's funny. That person may find it funny, but also disgusting and a waste of time. The game is that, and worse-it's boring.
I'm a huge Aliens fan and I really don't get your hate for the game. The graphics are very Aliens like. The combat is intense. And there are lot of very Aliens like moments in the game. Of course, thanks to Gearbox, the game is nowhere near as good as it should be.

I also do not know of any other game that lets you follow the footsteps of the Marines who fought and died on LV-426.

I regret buying a PSP many years ago. The PSP has a poor selection of games. And the few good games were hard to find in stores. And it was overpriced. Actually there are tons of gaming stuff I regret purchasing but I don't feel like listing them all here.
Post edited October 31, 2015 by monkeydelarge