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I still regret buying my Wii.
I really liked the Gamecube and expected at least some remarkable games but not a single one could impress me. All in all, games were far too easy, the low resolution was ugly and I'm still traumatised from playing with these horrible controllers. :P
tammerwhisk: Once they removed GFWL wasn't it Steamworks exclusive anyway? And while shitty they promised, there was an upgrade option.
ReynardFox: Yeah, and I'm still pissed about it, GFWL might have been a messy product but one thing it did not do with Street Fighter was force online activation/connectivity on me. Unlike USF4 on Steam... and what good is an update option if I am forced to use a service I object to?

I can still run my GFWL disc copies just fine. But what I can't do is buy USF4 without Steam. For that Capcom gets a middle finger and no more money from me.
Ah, I get it now. Gotta be honest though I'm surprised to find someone that prefers gfwl. I've had less trouble getting ancient games to run than I have getting that fucking gfwl shit to properly install and not crash whatever game was using it. (Plus MP under gfwl is just a massive headache.)
timppu: *snip*
Ahhh, I was thinking of SSF2T for the SNES which didn't have 360 (or 720) degree rotations to perform a special move. I simply assumed fighting games wouldn't have such moves either because when the control stick is in the up position, the character will jump and if you're in the air when you complete the rotation, you couldn't perform the special move. On paper it looked impractical but they did it, so I stand corrected.

Still though, pulling off that combo with a gamepad would be frustrating enough. WIth a keyboard...........yick

timppu: I tried playing some Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution or somesuch on PS2 with my wife, but we both got overly bored by it in no time. Then again neither one was an expert in it, I think we were both just pushing the attack button as fast as could, and then see who fell down first.
In some fighting games, especially those with combos, if you didn't mash the buttons, you lost. There was no point in trying to pull off a special move as the combos did more damage. You also didn't have the time to rotate the stick or whatever for a special move when your opponent was already in your face ready to start a combo. Button mashing was fast and really was the only thing you could do against an experienced player. Hell, by button mashing, you might actually accidentally find a combo, even win.

When playing Mortal Kombat Trilogy on the N64 many years ago, Sektor is perfect if you're going to be cheap. Forward forward low punch fires a missile, forward and low punch is an easily spammable combination. Keep spamming missiles and your opponent can't get to you. If they do, no problem!! Forward forward high punch made Sektor come up from the floor to uppercut. Follow with a missile and knock them to the other side of the screen. Keep spamming missiles like before, win the match. I wasn't allowed to use Sektor anymore that day :P In this case though, just mash forward and low punch and you pretty much win, who needs to be good? However this doesn't work against the computer...................>:(
tammerwhisk: Ah, I get it now. Gotta be honest though I'm surprised to find someone that prefers gfwl. I've had less trouble getting ancient games to run than I have getting that fucking gfwl shit to properly install and not crash whatever game was using it. (Plus MP under gfwl is just a massive headache.)
My simple reasons for tolerating (note the word, I never said I liked it) GFWL is that online connectivity or activation wasn't a default, mandatory feature like it is with say, Steam. Also I don't really do the online multiplayer thing so that was never an issue for me personally. I have half a dozen retail games that used GFWL and i can install and play any of them without any online connectivity provided I don't delete my offline GFWL installer or the required patches for certain games (SSF4AE)

Never going to say it wasn't a headache at times, because it was, but the only issue I've had with GFWL and getting it to run is how absolutely shitful it was for handling updates to itself. A clean install of 3.5 just works on any system I've tried. The bitch occurs with games with older versions that install from disc whether you want them to or not, and break the client in the process. (I'm looking at you Gears of War).
Post edited October 26, 2015 by ReynardFox

- Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2. I bought the second before playing the first, so I had no idea they sucked so bad.
- Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Just not my cup of tea.
- Game of Thrones (the first game, not the Telltale ones). Big. piece. of. crap.
- Tales of Xillia 2. A silent protagonist... really? Not to mention an annoying debt repayment system, complete recycling of just about everything from Xillia 1, and the Allium Orb system is annoying. I'm playing it right now but I feel like shelving it permanently.

- Geneforge 1-5, and Avernum 1-6. Not what I was expecting. I did try to play them, but even after sinking in a lot of hours, I did not enjoy these games.
- I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Not fun and the story was dumb.
- Sanitarium. Just awful. It was not scary at all and the chapters had no connection to each other. It was like each chapter was made by a different person and then mashed together to create a game.
- Fable. It was a chore to finish this.
- Anachronox. It might be a good game, but no matter how I fiddle with the camera, I get horrible motion sickness after a few minutes of playing.
- Neverwinter Nights 2. What they heck did they do to my beloved Neverwinter? I loved the original NWN, but the sequel sucks rocks. Besides the shoddy camera and unfriendly interface, the story was totally uninspiring and the companions who joined you were thoroughly unlikable.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Palidor12
Palidor12: - Sanitarium. Just awful. It was not scary at all and the chapters had no connection to each other. It like each chapter was made by a different person and then mashed together to create a game.
I don't think Sanitarium was supposed to be scary and I doubt the game would have worked if the chapters each had a connection. Shame you didn't enjoy it, I thought the game was very atmospheric and creative. The controls and bugs on the last chapter however.....................yeah, let's not go there
Saints Row 2 is pretty buggy. It won't let me change to the resolution I want and I get some nasty FPS drops when I shouldn't.

I got it on sale so maybe I should just relax. :P
My biggest regret was a mid-range Logitech joystick I bought for Christmas, thinking I was going to start playing more space shooter/simulation games. I ended up using it exactly once, but the thing was clunky and felt uncomfortable in my halfling sized hands.

Hell, I regret most things I bought from Logitech.
Palidor12: - Sanitarium. Just awful. It was not scary at all and the chapters had no connection to each other. It like each chapter was made by a different person and then mashed together to create a game.
IwubCheeze: I don't think Sanitarium was supposed to be scary and I doubt the game would have worked if the chapters each had a connection. Shame you didn't enjoy it, I thought the game was very atmospheric and creative. The controls and bugs on the last chapter however.....................yeah, let's not go there
Maybe it was my misunderstanding, but I picked it up during GOG's Halloween promo, and some reviews described it as a "horror" game, so I was expecting something quite different. Plus the walking speed was horrendous. We'll agree to disagree on chapter continuity. ;-)
IwubCheeze: I don't think Sanitarium was supposed to be scary and I doubt the game would have worked if the chapters each had a connection. Shame you didn't enjoy it, I thought the game was very atmospheric and creative. The controls and bugs on the last chapter however.....................yeah, let's not go there
Palidor12: Maybe it was my misunderstanding, but I picked it up during GOG's Halloween promo, and some reviews described it as a "horror" game, so I was expecting something quite different. Plus the walking speed was horrendous. We'll agree to disagree on chapter continuity. ;-)
Yeah, you have a right to be miffed about the game being labelled as horror but not actually being a horror game. F.E.A.R is also labeled as a horror game but the game is loaded with jump scares, the lowest common denominator kind of "horror". Just gotta take the reviews with a grain of salt I guess. ;)

However, would be nice if the "horror" title wasn't thrown around so much.
Palidor12: Lots.

- Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2. I bought the second before playing the first, so I had no idea they sucked so bad.
- Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Just not my cup of tea.
- Game of Thrones (the first game, not the Telltale ones). Big. piece. of. crap.
- Tales of Xillia 2. A silent protagonist... really? Not to mention an annoying debt repayment system, complete recycling of just about everything from Xillia 1, and the Allium Orb system is annoying. I'm playing it right now but I feel like shelving it permanently.

- Geneforge 1-5, and Avernum 1-6. Not what I was expecting. I did try to play them, but even after sinking in a lot of hours, I did not enjoy these games.
- I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Not fun and the story was dumb.
- Sanitarium. Just awful. It was not scary at all and the chapters had no connection to each other. It was like each chapter was made by a different person and then mashed together to create a game.
- Fable. It was a chore to finish this.
- Anachronox. It might be a good game, but no matter how I fiddle with the camera, I get horrible motion sickness after a few minutes of playing.
- Neverwinter Nights 2. What they heck did they do to my beloved Neverwinter? I loved the original NWN, but the sequel sucks rocks. Besides the shoddy camera and unfriendly interface, the story was totally uninspiring and the companions who joined you were thoroughly unlikable.
Try mask of the betrayer, its a better story. Cant help with interface though.
Sega CD. What a total piece of shit.
Palidor12: Lots.

- Geneforge 1-5, and Avernum 1-6. Not what I was expecting. I did try to play them, but even after sinking in a lot of hours, I did not enjoy these games.
Lemme single this out here as someone who has played most of the Spiderweb Software games from Exile I. What about them was so bad? Was it the dated graphics, complex stat system, or something else?
shadowmirage: My biggest regret was a mid-range Logitech joystick I bought for Christmas, thinking I was going to start playing more space shooter/simulation games. I ended up using it exactly once, but the thing was clunky and felt uncomfortable in my halfling sized hands.

Hell, I regret most things I bought from Logitech.
It doesn't happen to be the same Logictech Extreme 3D Pro sitting under my bed, does it?
Graubert: I still regret buying my Wii.
I really liked the Gamecube and expected at least some remarkable games but not a single one could impress me. All in all, games were far too easy, the low resolution was ugly and I'm still traumatised from playing with these horrible controllers. :P
I'm long past Regret with the Wii. I'm more like, 'I guess it's a thing. Maybe a neat paperweight?' Being able to homebrew it after the Wi-Fi servers were taken offline took some of the sting out.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Darvond
Palidor12: Lots.

- Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2. I bought the second before playing the first, so I had no idea they sucked so bad.
- Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Just not my cup of tea.
- Game of Thrones (the first game, not the Telltale ones). Big. piece. of. crap.
- Tales of Xillia 2. A silent protagonist... really? Not to mention an annoying debt repayment system, complete recycling of just about everything from Xillia 1, and the Allium Orb system is annoying. I'm playing it right now but I feel like shelving it permanently.

- Geneforge 1-5, and Avernum 1-6. Not what I was expecting. I did try to play them, but even after sinking in a lot of hours, I did not enjoy these games.
- I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Not fun and the story was dumb.
- Sanitarium. Just awful. It was not scary at all and the chapters had no connection to each other. It was like each chapter was made by a different person and then mashed together to create a game.
- Fable. It was a chore to finish this.
- Anachronox. It might be a good game, but no matter how I fiddle with the camera, I get horrible motion sickness after a few minutes of playing.
- Neverwinter Nights 2. What they heck did they do to my beloved Neverwinter? I loved the original NWN, but the sequel sucks rocks. Besides the shoddy camera and unfriendly interface, the story was totally uninspiring and the companions who joined you were thoroughly unlikable.
Wow... judging by your post, we have the exact opposite taste in games! Apart from Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2 and perhaps Game of Thrones (depending if you're talking about the RPG or strategy one)... almost all the rest on your list of regrets fall into my personal list of "all-time favourite games". Weird. :-P

I especially love Avernum, Geneforge, Sanitarium, Fable (such fond teenage memories of the original), I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and Anachronox (that atmosphere!). I prefer the first Neverwinter Nights to the second one, but don't regret purchasing the second one. Demon's Souls was a game I got before Dark Souls became a hit *insert smug hipster smilie* and I did hate it at first... but then it grew on me. Eventually I ended up loving the whole series.

My biggest game regrets? Too many to speak of. Some terrible adventure games like the Ankh series come to mind. Also; FORCED and Krater. I bought both as co-op games to play with my partner... but they were too broken to play.

I admit that FFXIII was seriously disappointing. >_<
Post edited October 26, 2015 by shadowmirage
tinyE: Saints Row 2 is pretty buggy. It won't let me change to the resolution I want and I get some nasty FPS drops when I shouldn't.

I got it on sale so maybe I should just relax. :P

You'll need the Saints Row Powertools even if you're on Windows 8. Just follow the guide in the Faq on Steam and you'll be a-okay, it's not a hard thing to configure.