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Orkhepaj: compared to the rulebook or other games?
ofc a game had more limitations than a rulebook
it would just require way too much effort to put everything into a game
i think that is understandable they limit the scope of a game , just look at what is happenening if they dont Starcitizen
pippin15: Compared with previous d&d games. They somehow managed to be more faithful and present more stuff from the games than Baldur's Gate. So it's not a "technical limitations" kinda deal

there's a difference between technical limitations and bad design, and bioware's game design is whiter than white bread
oh then I don't know those game, could you post some of them so I can check them out?
As I remember I've only played Baldurs like games, fallout 1-2, and those dungeon crawler games like wizardry.
"Modern games don't have the detail."

Laughs in Dark Souls and the WItcher 3.
Post edited December 06, 2020 by paladin181
pippin15: Compared with previous d&d games. They somehow managed to be more faithful and present more stuff from the games than Baldur's Gate. So it's not a "technical limitations" kinda deal

there's a difference between technical limitations and bad design, and bioware's game design is whiter than white bread
You mean the SSI gold box games? You think they were a more complete implementation of a D&D ruleset than Baldur's Gate? Which ones in particular would you recommend? I haven't played them, but would like to check them out sometime.
Nostalgia is a powerful thing. The games released around BG's time ran the gamut from bad to great, just like games released today.

Personally, I am sick of most "pixel art" games released today. I am not even sure if they know that the games that they are trying to emulate, did a great job at 320x200/640x480 and 256 colors, and tried to make things look at realistic as possible. These days, pixel art games look like an abortion, and it seems like a dev inability/shortcut, instead of providing clear and decent graphics.
paladin181: "Modern games don't have the detail."

Laughs in Dark Souls and the WItcher 3.
Ah yes, i do agree. These are some of the best games in the past 15 years. However, they are a drop in an ocean. We are gamers who treat gaming as a hobby, so we know these games. The brutal reality, however, is that GTA V (just one out of many games in that series) outsold all the Witcher games combined HEAVILY (sorry for bad syntax). Dark Souls is great, but only non-casual gamers will enjoy it.

Again, i may have oversold my original claim, but the brutal truth is, games made with heart are a drop in the bucket compared to the repetitive blockbuster crap
Money has ruined everything ..... there I've said it ... are you happy now?

Money is the route of all evil and the answer to everything.

The world would be a better place without money, while at the same time giving me a ton of money would make my world a better place.

So OP, the complete answer to your question, is "Gaming is money" and not "Gaming is doomed".

To get over your misguided notion, I suggest a game of Doom ... old or new.

Some would say - Gaming is Doom!
Post edited December 06, 2020 by Timboli
Timboli: Money is the route of all evil ...
You mean ... Pink Floyd were right?
Time4Tea: You mean ... Pink Floyd were right?
And not just them, but they say it with style ... and don't do silly threads. ha ha ha ha
Humanity is doomed as well, but thankfully nobody is whining about that.
low rated
Mafwek: Humanity is doomed as well, but thankfully nobody is whining about that.
Yes because it won't have happened by the time i die, which is within the next 2 decades
Timboli: Money is the route of all evil ...
Time4Tea: You mean ... Pink Floyd were right?
The Romans said that before. Probably the Greek too. Or the Assyrians... Gilgamesh probably knew that...

But we never learn.
Mafwek: Humanity is doomed as well, but thankfully nobody is whining about that.
"Not in my lifetime..."

Once you have kids, that perspective changes. A lot.
Post edited December 07, 2020 by toxicTom
Yes it is doomed, utterly doomed. my suggestion is that you give up playing games and find yourslelf a new hobby, an un-doomed one.

(goes back to Creeper World 4)
Mafwek: Humanity is doomed as well, but thankfully nobody is whining about that.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: Yes because it won't have happened by the time i die, which is within the next 2 decades
you don't expect to live to 30?
Post edited December 07, 2020 by amok
I will never understand this type of thinking, no offense.

Why not just buy/download old games?
Why are you so invested in Gaming if you haven't had any fun since the early 2000s when Baldur's Gate 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2 released?

Just play the games you like :)
Mafwek: Humanity is doomed as well, but thankfully nobody is whining about that.
toxicTom: "Not in my lifetime..."

Once you have kids, that perspective changes. A lot.
Actually, I have a feeling I might witness the end of mankind as a species sometime in the next 20-40 years I may live.
But I don't want to have kids, and thankfully possibility of that happening is highly unlikely.

My comment refers to the fact that everything is inevitably changing and coming to its end, mankind included, but being bitter and complaining about it achieves nothing. Its much wiser to actually do something with time which you have left.
low rated
toxicTom: "Not in my lifetime..."

Once you have kids, that perspective changes. A lot.
Mafwek: Actually, I have a feeling I might witness the end of mankind as a species sometime in the next 20-40 years I may live.
But I don't want to have kids, and thankfully possibility of that happening is highly unlikely.

My comment refers to the fact that everything is inevitably changing and coming to its end, mankind included, but being bitter and complaining about it achieves nothing. Its much wiser to actually do something with time which you have left.
Yes but humanity has been around for longer