Luisfius: GMG is absolutely terrible
There are many instances that my payments simply will not go through. I can try to buy a game five times and it will say that it's processing, but I never get charged and it's never added to my account. I don't know if it's possible to find their bundles most of the time. During the holidays, there was a Sega Genesis bundle in plain sight, and you can still access it last I checked, but searching in the store finds nothing. Unless you know the link or use a search engine, you'll probably never find it.
There is no cart system, so you have to buy games individually, like during the Commandos sale recently. After asking about it, I was given a link to the bundle (which, again, couldn't be found normally), though they added a link for the full bundle later. Anybody who has used Paypal to any considerable degree knows that making multiple purchases in a small period of time will get your account frozen almost every time. Even after I got to the bundle page, it wouldn't register all weekend.
I've lost total interest in buying anything from them again. It was the other day, when I wanted Hitman 2. I've been meaning to play that game, passing on just about every other previous sale, and for $2.50 with the ability to trade if I don't like it, I thought "Why the hell not?". I made an attempt to buy it. Didn't go through. I didn't care enough to contact support for the umpteenth time. I'll continue to play what I have, but their service is disgustingly incomplete. They should, quite frankly, advertise that they are "in the alpha stages" to save face. They may as well be.
On top of that, Capsule is garbage, the list of your games on the main page is just... bad, and there are no forums. I can only imagine why, it wouldn't be good for business if newcomers could see the myriad of problems. I have been linked to pages on the site that I couldn't find from support several times, their site is horribly unorganized. Right now, Capsule won't even patch itself right now, and without a community forum, I only have support telling me that it's a common problem and will be fixed, whereas on a decent digital download site like GOG and Steam, I could find answers without even having to ask, likely even on the front page if it's common or recent.
Greenman Gaming is shit. I haven't spent much on there, and unlike GOG, the only place where I pay directly (and have only done so), on Greenman Gaming I'm more than happy to involve a middle-man like Paypal. Seeing as my payments rarely go through, I just don't trust them and I think I have good reason. If you see a game you like for $1, go ahead and get it. I joined after they had a killer deal on the Sega Genesis Classics. All three packs (at the time) for $6, with no DRM. I don't regret that at all. It's almost everything else that I do, though the deals I got were great, I think I got what I paid for.
Just don't go in expecting GOG or anything. It's stuff like that which reminds me just how damn good GOG is. :)
Seeing as this isn't a social thread, I don't expect replies. I suppose putting out that today is Wednesday meaning GOG will be having a sale today doesn't contribute much, does it? Just warning anybody seeing the great GMG "deals" to be wary. You could probably find a digital download service hosted as part of someone's Angelfire homepage that trumps GMG. >_>