OnLive has a 3 day THQ game weekend sale.
Select Full PlayPass THQ titles will be available for 50%-75% off from January 28, 2011 (12:00 AM PST) to January 30, 2011 (11:59 PM PST), while connected to the OnLive Game Service. Each day’s discount valid until 11:59 PM PST.
Today it's Red Faction: Guerrilla, for 75% off ($5.00) for the full playpass (entire game). Regular price is $20. It doesn't have 3 day/5 day passes.
Tomorrow/Saturday it's Metro 2033, for unknown % off (50-75%). Regular price is $6 for 3 day pass, $9 for 5 day pass, $40 for full pass.
Sunday it's Darksiders, for unknown % off (50-75%). Regular price is $6 for 3 day pass, $9 for 5 day pass, $40 for full pass.
I think prices are USD, don't know what it is outside (or even if it is available outside of NA).