prakaa: I recommend to anyone who can to skip FO3 and jump straight to New vegas..
My gameplay hours:
Fallout 3-2 hours
FNV-21 hours, 5 of which were from a previous save which i lost (so yes i restarted the game)
summitus: Mmm I guess thats a personal thing, but I think its a little irresponsible to advise people to skip a game that is probably one of the best games of its genre ever made.
fair enough, i agree it's personal, but the opinion out there seems to be FNV is the game Fallout 3 was meant to be. They're bloody similar anyhoo, and FNV has more references to Fallout 1 and 2, both on this site, so i would say FNV is the most logical option, seeing as it practically copies the gameplay of Fallout 3, tweaks it, and then puts a fresh slap of paint on it...
Cryxo: What the hell did you not do in FO3? I got over 35 hours in that game by doing most of the quests and DLC.
Delixe: Fallout 3 - 290 Hours. Fallout: New Vegas - 152 Hours. So yes New Vegas is better given how little time it's been out but it's likely you haven't invested in some serious modding with Fallout 3.
TBH i tried to, but the mods back then weren't as good gameplay wise. (i was a spoilt Oblivion modder, using OOO and other amazing gameplay mods, so shoot me)