Posted November 24, 2010

ATTN: Sarcastic
Registered: Apr 2009
From Brazil

Action stations!
Registered: Mar 2009
From Brazil
Posted November 24, 2010

This topic has been helpful for a while.

Game Elemental
Registered: Sep 2008
From Other
Posted November 24, 2010
Is Devil May Cry 4 a workable PC port?
(I do have a 360 pad, and expect to use it)
(I do have a 360 pad, and expect to use it)

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

resident bff
Registered: Dec 2008
From Singapore
Posted November 24, 2010
Can anyone here who bought AP via Gamersgate confirm that the patch really removes DRM?
- To resolve activation issues, PC copy protection has been removed.
- In Moscow during the assault of Brayko's Mansion, the player could get
into a situation where a door would not be openable preventing progression
through the rest of the level. This has been fixed.
- In Taipei, during the Stop the Assassination mission, the user can fall
out of the world if they reload the "Exit Gardens" checkpoint. There was
also a problem where if the player backtracked, part of the level might
not load in properly. This has also been fixed.
- In the same mission, a problem with subtitles was corrected.
- In the museum in Rome, the game could crash when using Focused Aim to
kill the NPC holding Madison in the elevator.
- Bosses could get stuck in an accelerated mode when Fury wears off.
- Chainsot was exploitable to slow time and get critical headshots without
consuming its cooldown.
Why yes...yes I THINK IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D-----------
- To resolve activation issues, PC copy protection has been removed.
- In Moscow during the assault of Brayko's Mansion, the player could get
into a situation where a door would not be openable preventing progression
through the rest of the level. This has been fixed.
- In Taipei, during the Stop the Assassination mission, the user can fall
out of the world if they reload the "Exit Gardens" checkpoint. There was
also a problem where if the player backtracked, part of the level might
not load in properly. This has also been fixed.
- In the same mission, a problem with subtitles was corrected.
- In the museum in Rome, the game could crash when using Focused Aim to
kill the NPC holding Madison in the elevator.
- Bosses could get stuck in an accelerated mode when Fury wears off.
- Chainsot was exploitable to slow time and get critical headshots without
consuming its cooldown.
Post edited November 24, 2010 by lowyhong

ATTN: Sarcastic
Registered: Apr 2009
From Brazil
Posted November 24, 2010

This topic has been helpful for a while.
Yep this topic is very useful as you always get to know the best deals, and also contribute if you know about any.
You have no idea of how sad I am for not having that racing wheel from It's $87.97 there for you, while here for me in stores it's a minimum of $405.00 (R$700,00)...
Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy the sales. ;)
Post edited November 24, 2010 by taczillabr

Am I Real?
Registered: Jan 2010
From Philippines

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted November 24, 2010

I've attached some screenshots.
devilmaycry4_dx9.jpg (288 Kb)
devilmaycry4_dx9.jpg (390 Kb)
dmc10.jpg (465 Kb)
dmc12.jpg (325 Kb)
Post edited November 24, 2010 by chautemoc

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted November 24, 2010
Telltale's having thirty days of sales. Today's sale? Everything other than Back to the Future and Poker Night is 50% OFF.
Telltale's having thirty days of sales. Today's sale? Everything other than Back to the Future and Poker Night is 50% OFF.

I can't hear you
Registered: Sep 2008
From Australia
Posted November 24, 2010

Right bastard
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted November 25, 2010

The Matrix Games holiday sale has begun. Through midnight of January 10th, most of the catalog is somewhere around 30% off.
A lot of AGEOD titles marked down to $11-$14.
Distant Worlds is $26.99.
Also, Matrix has launched a new web store. They are no longer using Digital River, so no more nonsense about buying long term download access.

I generally have no problem recommending the AGEOD titles (Birth of America & the sequel, AGEOD"s American Civil War, World War One Gold) to people. The Close Combat remakes hold up pretty well (aside for graphics). Between the simpler Armada 2526 and the more in depth Distant Worlds, I suspect anyone who is a fan of Space 4X games can find something they like.

too old
Registered: Jul 2009
From Other
Posted November 25, 2010

(❍ᴥ❍ʋ )
Registered: Feb 2010
From Czech Republic

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted November 25, 2010
You should. Come on, your life is not worth living anyway. WoW is your only escape from this cruel world. Remember what they told you, if you ask nicely, they can even help you find yourself a nice female Tauren to settle with. Or Troll, if you're after the more skinny ones.

Torched idiot
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted November 25, 2010

I generally have no problem recommending the AGEOD titles (Birth of America & the sequel, AGEOD"s American Civil War, World War One Gold) to people. The Close Combat remakes hold up pretty well (aside for graphics). Between the simpler Armada 2526 and the more in depth Distant Worlds, I suspect anyone who is a fan of Space 4X games can find something they like.
Sorry, reading that back has made me think that this probably will not be all that helpful.