AI War:
Fleet Command and
Zenith Remnant are half price on Steam, Impulse and Gamersgate to celebrate Children of Neinzul's release and the 4.0 Update. I've linked to the Steam versions because for UK (and European) folk, they're the cheapest. US prices are identical on all services. Don't forget. all the keys work for Impulse, Steam and unlocking the demos you can get from Arcen Games' website. There's no offers on CoN, and since all the profits are going to Child's Play anyway you may as well buy that from Arcen direct. Or, of course you can pay full price on all of the stuff
direct from the developer and make sure they get more money.
If you're really tight, Tidalis is also half price from
and [url=]Impulse. Same deal with the keys, as well.