Posted October 25, 2010

resident feline
Registered: Jun 2009
From Indonesia

Zug Zug!
Registered: Sep 2010
From New Zealand
Posted October 25, 2010
I've got 71 cents in my bank until Wednesday other wise I'd be all over those Penumbra and AI Wars deals.
Might not be able to hit them up Wednesday either as I've booked The Orange Box seeing how I just found an online store selling it for only $35 NZD (usually goes for $50 - if you can find it at all). I'd do the Steam thing but when we're talking that many gigs, I like to have a hard copy.
Might not be able to hit them up Wednesday either as I've booked The Orange Box seeing how I just found an online store selling it for only $35 NZD (usually goes for $50 - if you can find it at all). I'd do the Steam thing but when we're talking that many gigs, I like to have a hard copy.

I can't hear you
Registered: Sep 2008
From Australia
Posted October 25, 2010

Might not be able to hit them up Wednesday either as I've booked The Orange Box seeing how I just found an online store selling it for only $35 NZD (usually goes for $50 - if you can find it at all). I'd do the Steam thing but when we're talking that many gigs, I like to have a hard copy.

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan
Posted October 25, 2010

A better bet may be to wait until the OB is sold dirt cheap on Steam (likely to happen at the end of the year at the very latest) and get the updated files from someone near you -- either from a friend or perhaps a GOG community member in the same country as you who can burn a backup of fully updated copies of the games to discs (using Steam's back up tool) so that you can then install from those.
Post edited October 25, 2010 by bansama

Zug Zug!
Registered: Sep 2010
From New Zealand
Posted October 25, 2010
Thanks for the advice. Hopefully it's not to far out of date. I think these are the most recent hard copies. Mighty Ape had sold out of the Orange Box for the longest time and now it's back. I'm assuming that the really old stuff has been depleted.

New User
Registered: May 2009
From Germany

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted October 25, 2010
A disappointing conclusion to the Civilization 5 saga:
We write to you because you have made a purchase of our Civilization 5 Download game. Unfortunately there was a price error on this product causing it to be shown at an obviously faulty price. The company that supplies us with the download games only supply a certain number of codes. Unfortunately this means we are unable to cover all the orders with the supply of cdkeys we can get from the supplier. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and will naturally issue you a full refund. Furthermore we will give you 3 Coolshop points (a value of £3) as compensation.
We thank you for your custom, and look forward to seeing you in our shop again.
Kind regards
We write to you because you have made a purchase of our Civilization 5 Download game. Unfortunately there was a price error on this product causing it to be shown at an obviously faulty price. The company that supplies us with the download games only supply a certain number of codes. Unfortunately this means we are unable to cover all the orders with the supply of cdkeys we can get from the supplier. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and will naturally issue you a full refund. Furthermore we will give you 3 Coolshop points (a value of £3) as compensation.
We thank you for your custom, and look forward to seeing you in our shop again.
Kind regards

Registered: Dec 2009
From Italy
Posted October 25, 2010
Same here if I click on it i receive this message Only available in North America. (not a big problem for me since I already have mine on cd but it's weird, maybe they will fix it)

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other
Posted October 25, 2010
*never mind*
Post edited October 25, 2010 by lackoo1111

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

Not Expected!
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted October 25, 2010
Matrix games has some games on[url=! ] sale. [/url]. Until oct. 31
Post edited October 25, 2010 by kiva

Not So New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 25, 2010

Picture Gothic (vast non linear 3D world) but with Diablo-style battle controls (click on enemy and your character starts auto attacking until death.). You steer your character with the W key to move him forward the mouse with right button held down to turn him around (might be a bit sloppy to program to a gamepad if you're like me and program most your games to be played with a dual analogue controller.).
At the beginning of the game you've got different tutor's that train you for different forms of combat like ranged with bow or spells with magic or melee with weapons just like Gothic II.
You learn different battle manuevers and spells which are hot keyed to 1-9 (I'm not sure if you can use them any other way other than clicking icons at the bottom of the screen because this is a bit wonky).
You pick up, equip and trade lots of items that enemies drop if your leveled high enough to use the items (much like Diablo).

Meeeeaaw User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Latvia
Posted October 25, 2010
THQ week on steam. Monday's deal - Red Faction games.

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other
Posted October 25, 2010
Penumbra: Collection $10
Amnesia: The Dark Descent $9.99
Plants vs Zombies Game of the Year Edition $7.49
Darkness Within $10.49
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage $13.99
Resident Evil 5 $20.93
Devil May Cry 4 $13.95
Sins of a Solar Empire $8.95
GalCiv I: Ultimate Edition $4.99
Penumbra: Collection $10
Amnesia: The Dark Descent $9.99
Plants vs Zombies Game of the Year Edition $7.49
Darkness Within $10.49
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage $13.99
Resident Evil 5 $20.93
Devil May Cry 4 $13.95
Sins of a Solar Empire $8.95
GalCiv I: Ultimate Edition $4.99