trusteft: Yes, they definitely should lower their prices to attract new players. I play winSPMBT for years now, but if some "kid" sees this and a modern, say fps, game on sale for the same price...It's not that they are not worth it.
About that Magic card game. Does it work like a tabletop game, only with AI filling the players' slots or what?
Okay, but how many people in the FPS market are really going to say "Oh wait, forget that, I want to play this turn based operational hex strategy game instead!" :) I certainly think the market could be opened up a bit more, but it's not like games like Kharkov : Disaster on the Donets or any of the Squad Battles series are ever going to come within a mile of being mainstream hits, regardless of price.
Crassmaster: Thing is, Matrix doesn't use any online type DRM. So you download a full game installer that you can back up anywhere, and don't need to worry about downloading again.
I DEFINITELY agree that niche strategy publishers need to do a better job of keeping their prices in line with the age of the game. Cheaper older products give potential new customers a nice price point to buy in and see if they like an older game in a series. That's my big criticism with Matrix, HPS Sims, Shrapnel, etc.
taczillabr: Agreed; Matrix, Shrapnel and co.; even Cryptic Comet hasn't dropped $5 IIRC, out of their two games. I know it's one lone guy doing it, but time passes and the games get older...
Yeah, I'm a bit surprised Armageddon Empires hasn't dropped in price yet. Solium Infernum is still active and being worked on, but AE has been out for years now.