Supreme Commander Gold 50% off, $14.99.
bansama: Actually, reading up on it, if you're interested in XL 2011, buy the $5 dollar version of the current XL. The reason being that owners of the original XL will apparently get the new one for half price.
Have a look at the following links: Hi fellow Bansama, thanks for the tip.
How does this offer works anyway? It's a pre-order only or what? Let's say the game will cost $50 and they're having a 50% off offer... Even then I'm not that much interested in 2011, to pay 25 bucks for it.
I'll wait for reviews when it's finished, to check if it's more focused on the SP and not on the MMO side of it. For who wants the 2009, there's only 4 hours left to buy it.
PS: And once again, the average Steam user will talk about how Steam/Valve is benevolent, they did a 50% offer for who purchased from their promotion...
While in reality it is the publisher trying to compensate for the 2009 users, and already giving a kind of life support to the 2011.
Crassmaster: They also have the frighteningly enormous War in the Pacific : Admiral's Edition, a game that can take a year of real life time to play through, 30% off ($54.99 download in US) until Oct. 3rd.
These guys must be nuts, really, being a niche isn't an excuse to extort people like this. They are still charging the equivalent of CoD:MW2 and worse, it's through digital river, which means you don't own the game like 1 year from now if you didn't make a backup of it.
And it's locked to 1024x768? :(