skeletonbow: Yeah, I'm sure it's worth $60 for the value it provides like many games I've bought in years gone by for that price. :) But in between then and now the price of games has shot down, the market has been flooded and I have a backlog of 97892345364765845 games, so what I'm willing to spend on "the next game" so to speak is significantly lower than what it would have been say 5 years ago. :) Not to mention that I have only given the base game a test run so far and not actually started playing it for real yet. I'm playing the original game at the moment and about half way through it and plan on going through the series one game at a time. By the time I complete all 6 games and any extra content that might be available for them it might be a year or more from now and the expansion will be $2 or so in the bargain bin I imagine. :)
I generally wont spend more than $5 maximum for a game I really want now with few exceptions as I know the price will be half what it is now in 6 months and I can wait. There are few exceptions to this and the only ones on my radar to pay potentially more than $5 for in the near future are The Witcher 3, and Cyberpunk 2077 that I can think of. There is only one other game I've seen previews of that made my eyes pop out of my head and my mouth foam, and that one is a future Ubisoft game which I probably will never buy unless it comes to GOG DRM free.
Other than that though, I have a huge oh-my-god fantasy collection of games I've dreamed about playing over the years and not gotten around to yet which is basically a form of wallet protection that prevent me from being motivated to pay more than $5 for games barring some special circumstance. ;oP

luckydoky: I could have written the same thing word for word.
Last game I bought full price was Witcher 2 and next one will be Wicther 3... As for buying games a few month after the release for 5$ and having a crazy backlog everyone I know is in the same case nowadays. :)
The last full price game I bought was The Lord of the Rings The Battle For Middle Earth II Collector's Edition back in 2006 or 2007 for $70. My bad experiences with Ubisoft and EA DRM and other bad practices made me decide to stop buying games at all at that point except for bargain bin stuff made by other companies, and to proactively investigate every single game's DRM status online before spending any money at all. ;o) It wasn't until I discovered that I even started buying games again, and with extreme enthusiasm now. :)
Only individual games that I have spent more than $5 on in the last year was ArmA II from GOG for around $8 on sale many months back, and Torchlight II on Steam was $6.79 (although that was a gift from a friend technically). Anything else over $5 was a bundle including multiple games which divided up no game worth more than $5, and most of it was no game worth more than $3 I believe.
Best time in the history of gaming to be a gamer WRT cost to value proposition! Mind you, I've spent a lot of the money I would have spent on more expensive games in the past on gaming hardware instead. Naturalpoint TrackIR headtracker, Saitek X52 Pro Flight control system with rudders, Logitech G600 mouse (and before that a Razer Naga Epic MMO mouse), and soonish a Logitech G27 racing wheel rig. Where am I going to find the time to use all this crap? LOL