Leucius: Humble Bundle is having a 24 hour sale for their newly released Humble Bundle Store (yes I know it existed before, but now it's official)
Deals include Don't Starve for $7.49, Natural Selection II for $6.25, and a few others.
Humble Store url:
https://www.humblebundle.com/store Nice, Prison Architect for half-off. Just wish it were out of alpha, as I don't buy alphas. But really looking forward to the final game.
Great deal on The Swapper too, though I got that from GOG.
Tempting offers, thanks for the post!
EDIT: Gunpoint looks good and I've heard positive reviews of it. As usual, it would be nice to know if GOG is planning on getting it, as I'd rather have it here. But at this price I may just go ahead and get it from HB.