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Psyringe: Could you link that forum please?
ne_zavarj: Free Uplay copy of Silent Hunter 5 Gold :

Just click on the picture for the serial .
Worked as you indicated. Activated on my Uplay account :).
Hell of a bundle, but I fucked up a 5bux buy :P

"Make sure your total is over $21.12 to unlock Scribblenauts Unlimited and Batman: Arkham City GOTY."

Well, was 1bux, after paying and waiting a while, noticed average was like 3bux, paid 4 more, then now I got that message.
Luisfius: Hell of a bundle, but I fucked up a 5bux buy :P

"Make sure your total is over $21.12 to unlock Scribblenauts Unlimited and Batman: Arkham City GOTY."

Well, was 1bux, after paying and waiting a while, noticed average was like 3bux, paid 4 more, then now I got that message.
wait what?
nijuu: Worked as you indicated. Activated on my Uplay account :).
Have you seen this ?
Luisfius: "Make sure your total is over $21.12 to unlock Scribblenauts Unlimited and Batman: Arkham City GOTY."
Should get a free Rush album for that as well...
Luisfius: "Make sure your total is over $21.12 to unlock Scribblenauts Unlimited and Batman: Arkham City GOTY."
Coelocanth: Should get a free Rush album for that as well...
Too perfect. +1
nijuu: Worked as you indicated. Activated on my Uplay account :).
ne_zavarj: Have you seen this ?
Serial generated activated on Uplay as SH5
The original link you posted has pic of SH5. This new link u posted shows POP

Whoops confirm both generate working serials :) thanks
Post edited November 05, 2013 by nijuu
nijuu: Whoops confirm both generate working serials :) thanks
You're welcome .
Tallima: I think this is how it works: You sign-in with your Steam account and every game you don't own automatically gets plugged into your account. Any game you already own, you can click a gift icon and get a hyperlink that will give the gift.

EDIT: By "own," I mean "own on Steam."
skeletonbow: Can someone confirm this for sure? If I were to get it and it links to my account but leaves gifts to give away for the dupes, that is doable for me. It'd be nice to give away the dupes is all. Also, do the dupes have to be given to a single person or can you gift individual dupes to different people?

If someone has done this already and knows with certainty, that'd be cool to know. I'm probably going to buy it anyway, but the extra 3 AAA titles I don't want would make nice gifts for sure.
The dupes definitely can be given away to different people. That's what I did.

I do not think you can give away games that are not dupes unless you gift the whole bundle (but I could be wrong on that).
BoxOfSnoo: The idea is you can't gift partial bundles at all anymore. They don't give giftable copies in Steam if you already have it.

Edit: I may be wrong about that giftable thing, I maybe misread that in the last week.
Giltonnam: Ya, they changed it today so you can continue to gift away.

JMich: 1) Click to redeem this game to linked steam account. No click, no redeeming.
2) Click gift to get a url for the specific steam redemption link. Url will have to be linked to a humble account, and will require a linked steam account to redeem.
3) Send the gift url to whoever you want, all to one, or one for multiple people. No problems.
Fantastic, that should work out ok then, thanks!

Tallima: The dupes definitely can be given away to different people. That's what I did.

I do not think you can give away games that are not dupes unless you gift the whole bundle (but I could be wrong on that).
That's ok, I don't mind that. I just preferred no to waste the dupes. :)
Post edited November 05, 2013 by skeletonbow
Odd question anyone managed to get a key from last Final Exam promo?. was that supposed to be the full game or alpha or a demo?. My steam account is showing key used is listed as a demo now....
Post edited November 05, 2013 by nijuu
nijuu: Odd question anyone managed to get a key from last Final Exam promo?. was that supposed to be the full game or alpha or a demo?. My steam account is showing key used is listed as a demo now....
It was just a demo.

I went ahead and ordered the Humble Batman bundle for $4.49, not too shabby. The way they have the codes set up is not as bad as it sounded a week or so ago. If they keep doing it this way, if I understand it correctly it should still work out just fine for gifting codes or trading them with people, just a little indirection. If it helps cut down on people gaming their system to sell games for a profit or similar and this is the only inconvenience then it isn't too big of a deal really. Hopefully they leave it as is now and don't go harsher in the future. :)
Post edited November 05, 2013 by skeletonbow
yarow12: Two Worlds II ia on sale on Greenman Gaming for $1.99.
Here's an Angry Joe review.
merow: Its a good game but here it is 20€
Unfortunately, the sale ended shortly after I posted.
I've already purchased Two Worlds II: Velvet Edition from Steam, but I'm waiting to finish Two Worlds: Epic Edition before I play it.