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low rated
PenutBrittle: Even at 50 cents I would be mad, but even on sale it's still over two bucks.
You'd really be mad over "losing" 50 cents? What are you, poor? A kid with little money?
PenutBrittle: Even at 50 cents I would be mad, but even on sale it's still over two bucks.
GameRager: You'd really be mad over "losing" 50 cents? What are you, poor? A kid with little money?
Depends on where you live and whats your monetary situation. There are days when I have only 1$ to get a dinner so loosing 50 cents would be painful. You never know the way life goes in different places.
GameRager: You'd really be mad over "losing" 50 cents? What are you, poor? A kid with little money?
danteveli: Depends on where you live and whats your monetary situation. There are days when I have only 1$ to get a dinner so loosing 50 cents would be painful. You never know the way life goes in different places.
besides I gather its something of the principal of it that gets him so he could be swimming in coin like scrooge mcduck and it'd still bother him. feels he got "tricked" into spending money on some halfassed dlc that sucks, you shouldn't buy dlc(whatever it costs) and say to your self "as an amateur give me 10 minutes with the built in level editor or publicly available modding tools and I could do better"
Post edited March 28, 2013 by pseudonarne
low rated
GameRager: You'd really be mad over "losing" 50 cents? What are you, poor? A kid with little money?
danteveli: Depends on where you live and whats your monetary situation. There are days when I have only 1$ to get a dinner so loosing 50 cents would be painful. You never know the way life goes in different places.
Well I'm guessing PB(since he/she lives in Canada) isn't suffering in a third world country. I agree that it varies from person to person, but I don't think many employed adults in Canada suffer much from losing 50 cents.
pseudonarne: Besides I gather its something of the principal of it that gets hims o he could be swimming in coin like scrooge mcduck and it'd still bother him. he got "tricked" into spending money on some halfassed dlc that sucks.
I can think of alot worse "slaps in the face" than being "tricked into" spending 50 cents on a DLC one turns out to not like.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by GameRager
nijuu: When it comes to DRM THQ is the exception - company needed money, HiB the money grubbers they are (sorry but thats what for all intents and purposes it looks like), takes the opportunity to turn over what made them successful for the chase of almighty cash. It might be a precedent.It might be a once off. No way to know.
misfire200: may have been a money grab...but considering it was their second highest grossing and sold almost 900,000 copies it was a big success....if people hated it that much then i wonder how many of those who complained about it, still bought it=S. In fact by it doing so well, all bets are off on future humble bundles, the people have spoken.
Its a bone of contention whether people bought it because it was HB or because they were great games from a well known pub/dev. Indie games sell nowhere near as well. WHat does that say? hmmmmmm
drxenija: Indie Games On Sale!
The Basement Collection 50% off
Binding of Isaac 75% off
Home 66% off
Gish 75% off
Indie Developers sale! Go check it now!
Luisfius: On what site? Useless without links!
On Steam Sale, calm down everyone
Rome: Total War Complete 75% off at GG.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by grynn
NBA 2k 2013 Still only $10 on Amazon


Just Cause 2 only $3

All Aspect Warfare + Standalone finally gets a sale - bundled together for $10 or sold together separately for $25 if you didn't pay attention to what you were doing.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by carnival73
misfire200: may have been a money grab...but considering it was their second highest grossing and sold almost 900,000 copies it was a big success....if people hated it that much then i wonder how many of those who complained about it, still bought it=S. In fact by it doing so well, all bets are off on future humble bundles, the people have spoken.
nijuu: Its a bone of contention whether people bought it because it was HB or because they were great games from a well known pub/dev. Indie games sell nowhere near as well. WHat does that say? hmmmmmm
Well considering it is second all time for humble bundle @5.09 million when the original bastion bundle (HB5) sold for 5.10 million that really does not say anything. What it does say is that the majority really do not care about the linux, drm free aspect as much as just getting a great deal=P Or a great package of great games...Sure it is nice of HB to release random crap sometimes or the android crap but in the end their are only so many solid indie games so sometimes they will probably not be following their original drm free, multiplatform aspect...

As for whether they bought it because it was HB...they sold 40% more than HB5 (about 900k vs 500k), and 3-4x time more than their average ratio so that can pretty much rule out that people bought it just because it was HB. I would say it was a combination of it being THQ and the fact it was a good majority of their best games for pennies on the dollar. Of course now amazon is in the bundling business and they have released some darn good packages that would rival these bundles.

Let me clarify, I would love to see more top notch indie bundles from HB but i also do not want to see recycling of older indies just to produce indie bundles. I also do not want to see crap like the current bundle. I would rather see more THQ like bundles than this android only bundle....
Winter Wolves, Bionic Heart, Heileen etc. has 50% Catalog sale on desura
GameRager: You'd really be mad over "losing" 50 cents? What are you, poor? A kid with little money?
I'm mad that a company ripped the most disposable content out of a game and, instead of leaving it on the cutting room floor, they sold it back. Has nothing to do with my financial situation, thank you very much.

EDIT: pseudonarne has the idea.
GameRager: I can think of alot worse "slaps in the face" than being "tricked into" spending 50 cents on a DLC one turns out to not like.
It's not THAT big a deal to me. I don't wring my hands at night, regretfully staring at the Darksider 2 entry in my Steam folder. I was just letting people know that it's a pretty poor DLC (on par with the GOG Omerta one, IMO) compared to the other content DLC in Darksiders 2 (which is great and I would recommend). Don't see why you have such a problem with this...
Post edited March 27, 2013 by PenutBrittle
low rated
PenutBrittle: I'm mad that a company ripped the most disposable content out of a game and, instead of leaving it on the cutting room floor, they sold it back.
Has nothing to do with my financial situation, thank you very much.
It's not THAT big a deal to me. I don't wring my hands at night, regretfully staring at the Darksider 2 entry in my Steam folder. I was just letting people know that it's a pretty poor DLC (on par with the GOG Omerta one, IMO) compared to the other content DLC in Darksiders 2 (which is great and I would recommend). Don't see why you have such a problem with this...
1. How do you know they ripped it out of the game and didn't develop it as an extra? 2. Not all of us might feel it's that "disposable"/unwanted. 3. I'd rather they offer it for sale then not offer it at all.
I never said you did, perse...just that it was odd that you seemed overly upset over spending/"losing" only 50 cents or so on that DLC.
I don't have much of a problem with just seemed "odd" in how you seemed to be overly upset at over spending a small amount for an unliked DLC. As such, I expressed my confusion while hoping you might answer my query.
GameRager: -snip-
I've explained myself quite thoroughly by now. You seem to have a personal problem with me, GameRager, and I don't know why. But this is a thread for gaming deals, so I would appreciate it if you didn't throw it off topic by trying to start an argument.
GameRager: -snip-
PenutBrittle: I've explained myself quite thoroughly by now. You seem to have a personal problem with me, GameRager, and I don't know why. But this is a thread for gaming deals, so I would appreciate it if you didn't throw it off topic by trying to start an argument.
I don't think it's personal, he just likes to argue. ;) Which can be fun at times, but this thread is indeed not the best place for it.

Any new deals coming up? I suppose the addition of "Amidos Puzzle Collection" to Bundle-in-a-Box doesn't exactly count ...
Psyringe: I don't think it's personal, he just likes to argue. ;) Which can be fun at times, but this thread is indeed not the best place for it.

Any new deals coming up? I suppose the addition of "Amidos Puzzle Collection" to Bundle-in-a-Box doesn't exactly count ...
It's not just this thread though. He seemed to only start arguing in this thread because of another... Oh well.

Has the Paradox stream sale been mentioned yet? It's now live. Steam codes, though other versions like Uplay and Origin can be bought at less of a discount. Disappointed a lot of the DLC isn't included, but good if you like Paradox strategies.

EDIT: Just noticed that it was updated with a bunch more stuff... interesting.
EDIT EDIT: Oh, none of those are on sale though... bah.
FINAL EDIT I SWEAR: Found a better link.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by PenutBrittle