Psyringe: 75% off here in Europe (35 €), but still a very tasty deal. :)
Pheace: If you read the 'includes' list on the bottom description it looks kinda crappy, doesn't even mention Shogun 2, even though it is in the pack ... they really need to update that ^^
Actually, if you click on the link that reads "More" ... ;)
(I agree that it's not 100% obvious though. In the current layout, it doesn't make much sense that the "more" link is so far above. That's a heritage from the previous layout, where the system requirements section was hidden behind a button, and therefore much shorter - so that the description was always longer than the system reqs, and the "more" link was always at the bottom of its section. They are always displaying the full system reqs now - which is good, people kept missing important information -, but it screwed up the general layout a bit.)