Coelocanth: Couple nice deals on D2D for this week's sale:
Titan Quest bundle for $4.95 (Canada, US, and Mexico only)
Mass Effect 1 and 2 for $34.95 (US and Canada only)
Trine for $4.95 (Worldwide)
I see Civ 4 Complete again for $9.95 Anyone know if it's worth it?
Oh hell, I'm a day late and a dollar short. Sorry guys.
I picked it up on last week's sale, only been able to play it a bit but very much worth it. They called this one IV not just because it came after III, but because it's II squared ;). That's how it feels anyway. All the good parts of Civ II plus a whole boatload of new interesting stuff. Take Ralackk's advice and get the Fall From Heaven 2 mod, it's impressive.