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michaelleung: FUEL for three-something dollars is pretty good. I hear it's really good.

I played the demo, I found it beautiful to look at, but that's about it.
acare84: Codemasters Racing Pack Deal is up on Steam now. It is looking really good. Bad thing is I own GRID and DiRT 2 already but still good deal for me.

You know what? This really pisses me off. Had it appeared a few weeks ago, I could have bought Dirt and Dirt 2 both on Steam. Since it didn't, I bought Dirt 2 on D2D for the same price.
What I mean is that I didn't need to add another store to the list of stores I use and I like to keep my online games all between the same 2 stores (Steam and GOG).
That said, I've played Fuel and Toca 3's demos and I didn't like them much. I already own 2 retail copies of Grid (I bought it and got another one when I bought a new video board).
I'm still thinking about getting Dirt 1 or not.
Bully is 75% off on Steam again, at $7.50. Unless you live in Asia or something (me = sad).
michaelleung: FUEL for three-something dollars is pretty good. I hear it's really good.

I paid full price for FUEL. I did not regret it. Wonderful game. At the current price, it's bloody bargain worth getting.
And I see they increased the price on Bully by 1 cent, euro cent, pence. >_>
Post edited April 29, 2010 by bansama
The whole racing pack is a great deal. I have ToCa Race Driver 3 on the PS2. It was really and underrated gem. It's one of my favorites to play with a racing wheel.
I also bought GRID back when Steam had it for $15. It's a great racer as long as you have an analog stick, or possibly a wheel. I don't have a wheel for my PC, just my PS2, so I can't say. The cars feel a little squirrely at first, but once you get the hang of it, the game has a really nice structure to how you level up and progress through the game. I found myself saying "just one more race" quite a few times.
The DiRT games I have not played, but since they are the highest metacritic rated racing games on Steam, they can't be that bad.
Where are these temporary deals showing up in steam? In the client as headlines?
I haven't seen one yet, but that might be because none of the rockstar games are available in this region. I'd have bought Midnight Club 2 and some of the GTA games if i could get them.
PS// though it doesn't really matter fro regionally restricted games, 4 hour deals are a dumb idea when you have an international community. It's kinda annoying to wake up and find you missed a great deal because it was in the middle of the night.
soulgrindr: Where are these temporary deals showing up in steam? In the client as headlines?
I haven't seen one yet, but that might be because none of the rockstar games are available in this region. I'd have bought Midnight Club 2 and some of the GTA games if i could get them.
PS// though it doesn't really matter fro regionally restricted games, 4 hour deals are a dumb idea when you have an international community. It's kinda annoying to wake up and find you missed a great deal because it was in the middle of the night.

They are advertised by the Rockstar Games Official Group thing. I subscribed to the RSS feed for when I am at work, and use Steam for when I am not.
And actually, the 4 hour deals are pretty fair. Obviously they focus on when the US is awake, but that is probably because Steam is largely North American. But the random-ish timing makes it pretty fair for everyone, since most people are working (or in class) during a lot of the sales, whereas someone on the other side of the globe would just be getting home (or waking up).
@Bama - Glad to know as I just bought the entire pack for $17. I had an itch for a new racing game, I played Gran Turismo 4 last night and this morning and was wishing GT5 was out and I had a PS3, both things that are far off into the future for me currently. So I'll install all of them and get my gamepad ready.
@trusteft - I got 70% off so it turned out being $8.99 for me. Yay, I was eyeballing the game and would've gotten if it hit $20 on a sale, but this is great. Now GG won't only be for my copy of Stalker Clear Sky and Sword of the Stars anymore, it will have SW3!!!!!!
Post edited April 29, 2010 by tb87670
soulgrindr: I haven't seen one yet, but that might be because none of the rockstar games are available in this region.

Sadly Capcom (IIRC) have the distribution rights for Rockstar games here. So we'll never see them on Steam. Only chance is to get them gifted.
I really wish Western publishers/developers would wise up and realise that publishers here won't release on the PC. If they did that, perhaps they'd then only sell the distribution rights for consoles and retain PC distribution themselves. Then perhaps we wouldn't get as fucked over as we do now. Ah well, wishful thinking.
What expect will happen instead is that Square Enix will keep snapping up distribution rights and we'll see even less games available on the PC than we have now =(.
tb87670: ...of Stalker Clear Sky and Sword of the Stars anymore, it will have SW3!!!!!!

How does SW3 play? Most importantly, as I suck at that sort of game, any difficulty options?
I'm mildly interested in it, but with no demo, cannot decide if I'd actually be able to get anywhere with it =/
Post edited April 30, 2010 by bansama
Maybe I can buy FUEL from Steam do you know how is the SecuROM activation on Steam? There is revoke tool for revoking the activations? Or there is no limited activations?
FUEL is the best racing game for people who don't like racing games (like me). Seriously, I've never enjoyed a racing game so much.
acare84: Maybe I can buy FUEL from Steam do you know how is the SecuROM activation on Steam? There is revoke tool for revoking the activations? Or there is no limited activations?

There are no limits listed and I've installed it perhaps 3 times now and not had any problems.
Just wondering, is X3: Gold worth €14.99? I have X2 but never really played it.
Delixe: Just wondering, is X3: Gold worth €14.99? I have X2 but never really played it.

In my opinion, there is no good reason to get X3 Reunion if you get X3TC. At least not if you want to play the sandbox part of the game and not focus on the story. If you just want to play the storyline, then get them both, aka Gold.
Max Payne bundle on Steam 75% off.