taczillabr: at the .com store, these are the ones I find interesting:
civ 4 complete (includes colonization)
x-com bundle
sid railroads (never played it, but a good price)
Brothers in Arms Bundle (only if you like the style, but I don't know the DRM on this bundle)
Saboteur isn't worth $15, IMO. $7.50 would be ok.
dragonmaster: hotspotshield + entropay for the win .-)
How does this entropay works? It's EU only?
KavazovAngel: Can't see any Rockstar games here... Restricted?
Here in Brazil the rockstar and 2k games are all restricted, too.
Always use this link to see the US store:
http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=us -
Steam Package: Rockstar Collection is 50% off, $42.49
And here is the official group for these games:
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/rockstargames_group No entropay works also from brazil: You can order it from hear:
https://www.entropay.com/virtual-visa.php You get a virtal credit card, which is located in the usa or canada.
In combination with hotspotshield you are able to order games from d2d.us, which are region restricted.
You need to load the entropay credit card with money from your bank account or another credit card. they charge 4% from the transfered sum, so its a liitle more expensive than a normel credit card, but you have the above-mentioned advantages.