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Sleeping Dogs is already 50% OFF on GG for $25
along with the rest of teh DLC:

activates on Steam.
that was quick!
Post edited November 08, 2012 by dyscode
Damn, GG prices are a bit looney at times.
Look at their Syberia packs
Or Broken Swodr mixes
Is Amerizone actually part of the Syberia story or did they just randomly toss that in there for shits n giggles?
carnival73: Is Amerizone actually part of the Syberia story or did they just randomly toss that in there for shits n giggles?
I believe, Syberia 1 had a tiny reference or two to Amerzone, but the main connection is still Benoît Sokal. I'm surprised, they didn't add Sinking Island.
Erich_Zann: Dominions 3 is on sale at half-price for an undisclosed period of time :
Thanks for tuning us in. I find it a bit sad that a lot of us, or at least myself, have never heard of any of these games or that company before...But I've also noticed that you're based in France so that might be why it doesn't pull up easy in Google searches for digital game shops.
carnival73: Is Amerizone actually part of the Syberia story or did they just randomly toss that in there for shits n giggles?
grviper: I believe, Syberia 1 had a tiny reference or two to Amerzone, but the main connection is still Benoît Sokal. I'm surprised, they didn't add Sinking Island.
Sinking Island was another relevant title?
Post edited November 08, 2012 by carnival73
carnival73: Sinking Island was another relevant title?
No, but it's another game by Sokal. There was one more, something about jungle, panthers and stuff...
carnival73: Sinking Island was another relevant title?
grviper: No, but it's another game by Sokal. There was one more, something about jungle, panthers and stuff...
Ah, I see...same story author so kinda like King where all of his characters could actually meet up but their stories are all completely different and separate.
grviper: There was one more, something about jungle, panthers and stuff...
Paradise. ;)
Psyringe: However, come to think of it, it's possible that the shop uses this system to prevent exploits. I've heard that the promo code can be used only once per account, but it could be that it's actually "once per credit card", which would keep people from making a dozen accounts and get every game in the lower price tiers for free.
p_mamusz: Speaking of which, the system has been _totally exploited_ in the last 18 hours or so now, to the point where SteamGifts is flooded with Zeit2/Mad Riders/Babel Rising+DLC/RUSE+2DLCs/Shoot Many Robots/Bloody Good Time steam key giveaways. I hear you cant get codes for some of those games now, because UbiShop just ran out of keys for them. :O The catch was, that you did not need to add a payment method or authorise your new account in any way(not even an email check!), so creating dozens of accounts with false info, and getting a steam key instantly displayed with the discount code was extremely easy.

So UbiShop essentially repeated the US Origin blunder that happened 3 weeks ago. Question is, will they suck it up, or go on a witch hunt?
Market forces often conspire against such behaviour, mind you. When people misuse the system in this way and generate huge amounts of supply, it causes supply to outstrip demand massively and brings their trading value down to practically nothing.

So basically, these people will have spent several hours collecting all these keys for nothing.
for something completely different:

Desure has:
Solar Wars 50% Off/ $6.5 or something

and Dawn of Fantasy 80% off $4 something

I can only see ¥ prices for now.
Post edited November 08, 2012 by dyscode
jamyskis: Market forces often conspire against such behaviour, mind you. When people misuse the system in this way and generate huge amounts of supply, it causes supply to outstrip demand massively and brings their trading value down to practically nothing.

So basically, these people will have spent several hours collecting all these keys for nothing.
If they got them for trading that is true. But many got those keys to give away on Steamgifts as a means to increase their contributions, which in turn will allow them to enter giveaways with a higher contribution requirement.
Erich_Zann: Dominions 3 is on sale at half-price for an undisclosed period of time :
carnival73: Thanks for tuning us in.
You're welcome.

carnival73: I find it a bit sad that a lot of us, or at least myself, have never heard of any of these games or that company before...
Yeah, computer wargaming is pretty niche.

carnival73: But I've also noticed that you're based in France so that might be why it doesn't pull up easy in Google searches for digital game shops.
What do you mean ?
Erich_Zann: What do you mean ?
This company never turned up in American or NZ searches...didn't know it was there until you linked it. =)
Post edited November 08, 2012 by carnival73
There's also a GTA4 weekend sale at GG.

Coupon Code G2PO still works for 5% off.
Erich_Zann: Yeah, computer wargaming is pretty niche.
I dont think that is entirely true, Total War games tend to be huge sellers every year they are released.(even if they bug ridden at a Paradox level :D)
Dominions looks _very_ indie like, and rough around the edges though. Heh, just like the "real" wargames you can find on the grognard part of teh internets. :D