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Psyringe: I'm not usually required to disclose my credit card data for a license transaction that costs no money. ;)

However, come to think of it, it's possible that the shop uses this system to prevent exploits. I've heard that the promo code can be used only once per account, but it could be that it's actually "once per credit card", which would keep people from making a dozen accounts and get every game in the lower price tiers for free.
Companies usually do this for one simple reason - to make you add the payment information because when you have done that once the chances are much higher that you may purchase something again.

And this works for most things with a first time overhead (at least for most humans). Think about reading a forum without an account, sometimes you may think about posting in a thread but oftentimes it's just to much hassel to create an account just for that single posting. But - once you registered and you're logged in you'll probably post again.

That said, I have an absolutelty free prepaid credit card I use for stores I don't intend to use regularly so I have no fear adding these information if required.
And if PayPal works as a workaround it's great too.

Thanks btw. for the information - I'll get Splinter Cell Conviction later tonight (can't purchase it before 23:00 here in Germany)
Post edited November 07, 2012 by Nelvin
Psyringe: However, come to think of it, it's possible that the shop uses this system to prevent exploits. I've heard that the promo code can be used only once per account, but it could be that it's actually "once per credit card", which would keep people from making a dozen accounts and get every game in the lower price tiers for free.
Speaking of which, the system has been _totally exploited_ in the last 18 hours or so now, to the point where SteamGifts is flooded with Zeit2/Mad Riders/Babel Rising+DLC/RUSE+2DLCs/Shoot Many Robots/Bloody Good Time steam key giveaways. I hear you cant get codes for some of those games now, because UbiShop just ran out of keys for them. :O The catch was, that you did not need to add a payment method or authorise your new account in any way(not even an email check!), so creating dozens of accounts with false info, and getting a steam key instantly displayed with the discount code was extremely easy.

So UbiShop essentially repeated the US Origin blunder that happened 3 weeks ago. Question is, will they suck it up, or go on a witch hunt?
Post edited November 07, 2012 by p_mamusz
p_mamusz: So UbiShop essentially repeated the US Origin blunder that happened 3 weeks ago. Question is, will they suck it up, or go on a witch hunt?
Ubisoft will always be way ahead of the game at screwing up.
Post edited November 07, 2012 by pen_sq
Nice upcoming THQ bundle at Amazon:
dyscode: JUST in case ther is someone around who still does not have
King's Bounty Crossworlds is GG's daily for a cheaply $6, DRM free that is.
The GG page says it is PC/Mac and the description starts off "King’s Bounty: Crossworlds Game of the Year Edition includes King`s Bounty: Armored Princess and it`s expansion Crossworlds".

If you hit 'more' and go down to the bottom of the list, though, "Note: Only King's Bounty Armoured Princess are for Mac".

So I take it Crossworlds a stand-alone expansion?
Post edited November 07, 2012 by Raze_Larian
I have Kings Bounty Armored Princess and Crossworld from GG for trade if anyone wants them. Thanks.
Raze_Larian: The GG page says it is PC/Mac and the description starts off "King’s Bounty: Crossworlds Game of the Year Edition includes King`s Bounty: Armored Princess and it`s expansion Crossworlds".

If you hit 'more' and go down to the bottom of the list, though, "Note: Only King's Bounty Armoured Princess are for Mac".

So I take it Crossworlds a stand-alone expansion?
This GOTY includes Armored Princess for PC as well as all the Crossworlds content:

Orcs on the March, Champion of the Arena, and Defender of the Crown.

I just installed it on my rig, and checked it about 5 minutes ago, so I know for sure it contains AP for the PC.
Coelocanth: I just installed it on my rig, and checked it about 5 minutes ago, so I know for sure it contains AP for the PC.
Thanks. That 'note' wasn't very clear.
Hitman Absolution preorder on GetGames is 28% off
Coelocanth: I just installed it on my rig, and checked it about 5 minutes ago, so I know for sure it contains AP for the PC.
Raze_Larian: Thanks. That 'note' wasn't very clear.
Yeah, I'm still unclear on what that means, but I'm leaning towards it meaning only Armored Princess is included in the Mac version (which actually makes little sense).
Raze_Larian: Thanks. That 'note' wasn't very clear.
Coelocanth: Yeah, I'm still unclear on what that means, but I'm leaning towards it meaning only Armored Princess is included in the Mac version (which actually makes little sense).
All it means is that Crossworlds is unavailable to download on the Mac. Armored Princess works fine, but Crossworlds never got a port.
Coelocanth: Yeah, I'm still unclear on what that means, but I'm leaning towards it meaning only Armored Princess is included in the Mac version (which actually makes little sense).
PenutBrittle: All it means is that Crossworlds is unavailable to download on the Mac. Armored Princess works fine, but Crossworlds never got a port.
Which leaves Mac users without the Leveleditor and the 3 expansion, also. * Edited*

DotEmu's Irem Collection for MacOSX is on 70% sale in the MAS for $3
Post edited November 07, 2012 by dyscode
PenutBrittle: All it means is that Crossworlds is unavailable to download on the Mac. Armored Princess works fine, but Crossworlds never got a port.
I figured that, but what makes no sense to me is they're advertising and selling Crossworlds GOTY edition for the PC and Mac on that product page. Why put it there (the Mac port) at all? Why not just keep it to the Armored Princess page?

If you're a Mac user and don't read the fine print, you might be pretty damned pissed to find out you don't get anything but AP. Especially if you already own AP.
PenutBrittle: All it means is that Crossworlds is unavailable to download on the Mac. Armored Princess works fine, but Crossworlds never got a port.
Coelocanth: I figured that, but what makes no sense to me is they're advertising and selling Crossworlds GOTY edition for the PC and Mac on that product page. Why put it there (the Mac port) at all? Why not just keep it to the Armored Princess page?

If you're a Mac user and don't read the fine print, you might be pretty damned pissed to find out you don't get anything but AP. Especially if you already own AP.
Same with the Assassins Creed Complete. AC1 has no Mac port.
An while I agree with you, IMHO, in these digital ages reading the fineprint for what you get is not optional, it's a survival strategy (~game, LOL).
dyscode: in these digital ages reading the fineprint for what you get is not optional, it's a survival strategy (~game, LOL).
I can't argue with that!