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Dead Rising 2 is 75% off at GG.
Free Weekend and 33% off Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Tomb Raider 15th Anniversary Sale
75% off Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Tomb Raider: Legend and Tomb Raider: Underworld
Daily Deal - A Virus Named Tom 50% off
Bmoyn715: anyone recommend Pathologic, heard the english Translation is Kind of Iffy
Im making this post so you can see my reputation and GOG join date. Im an active trader on this forum so i can give many references if you need. Thanks.
I second that. Crude, deeply flawed, and absolutely wonderful would be my description of it. It needs to be played, it can't be properly explained.
And while you are at it, try their other games. The Void in particular is really good (and odd).
high rated
Faerie Solitaire is free on Steam for a couple of days to celebrate Mac release.

It has to be one of the best solitaires ever made, spent quite a lot of hours on it over the times.
amok: Faerie Solitaire is free on Steam for a couple of days to celebrate Mac release.

It has to be one of the best solitaires ever made, spent quite a lot of hours on it over the times.
It is surprisingly good. Heavily recommended
amok: Faerie Solitaire is free on Steam for a couple of days to celebrate Mac release.

It has to be one of the best solitaires ever made, spent quite a lot of hours on it over the times.
+1 got it thx
amok: Faerie Solitaire is free on Steam for a couple of days to celebrate Mac release.

It has to be one of the best solitaires ever made, spent quite a lot of hours on it over the times.
It is pretty fun for a "background" game indeed, and I believe the devs are one of those indie companies that engage their userbase fairly frequently as well. Also worth noting that it's not their first giveaway of the game, and it is one of those games that you can run DRM-free after downloading it from Steam, if you so desire that option.

But they didn't release it to celebrate the Mac release, they released it because I finally got the last egg for the last achievement yesterday evening (after 77 hours spread over a year or so) and it's totally in celebration of that. :P They also released the Mac version in acknowledgement of that, naturally. *nods really hard and believably*
Post edited November 01, 2012 by jesskitten
ne_zavarj: GameStop / Impulse :

Resident Evil®: Operation Raccoon City 66% off ( $17.54 in here )
Truly Truly awful resi... dont touch it even if its free
GamersGate's daily deal is Condemned: Criminal Origins, 75% off
Uses SecuROM
SCPM: GamersGate's daily deal is Condemned: Criminal Origins, 75% off
Uses SecuROM
If I did not own this game I'd buy it again in an instant. Get ths or teh Steam Version but get it!
amok: Faerie Solitaire is free on Steam for a couple of days to celebrate Mac release.

It has to be one of the best solitaires ever made, spent quite a lot of hours on it over the times.
+1, thanks for the info! I wanted to get this for my wife already. Glad I hadn't yet. :)
Nuuvem :
Splinter Cell weekend at GG.
November Sadness Sale at Spiderweb Software.

"For the whole month of November, everything on our site is 50% off! We will also be having 50% off sales on our iPad games for the last two weekends of the month."
(Discount applied at checkout.)