Erich_Zann: Yeah, computer wargaming is pretty niche.
p_mamusz: I dont think that is entirely true, Total War games tend to be huge sellers every year they are released.(even if they bug ridden at a Paradox level :D)
Dominions looks _very_ indie like, and rough around the edges though. Heh, just like the "real" wargames you can find on the grognard part of teh internets. :D
Total War aren't really wargames to me, rather simplified RTS/4X hybrids. Granted I never played any for very long as non-abstracted real-time combat irritates me to no end. So I could be very wrong in my classification, so point possibly taken :-)
As I understand and use the term, wargaming = grognard stuff. Hence hexes (or nodes, or squares, or dodecahedrons of Cthulhu), turn-based, ugly, and deep as [insert thy favourite gross analogy here].
Erich_Zann: What do you mean ?
carnival73: This company never turned up in American or NZ searches...didn't know it was there until you linked it. =)
Strange. It's an american publisher after all.