amok: hmm. Dead Island goty £7.50 and Rage £6.50, might be time to pick up both. Will think about it a few hours. Still wondering if they maybe both will be 75% off during Christmas, but then I might be broke...
Dead Island has some interesting pricing, though, Steam has if for -50% (£9.99 - base price £19.99) and GG has it for -50% (£7.47 - base price £14.95)
If you're split, Dead Island is the better game by far. I suppose there's some wiggle room for personal taste, but especially if you have a beefy rig, you should lean towards Dead Island, it's gorgeous and fun (the vivid colors and sunlight make the game really fun, later on you have some slightly less bright areas, but most of the game remains very vivid).
ne_zavarj: Only one . Dead Island GoTY .
korell: I still wish they'd allow owners of the game + DLC from release date the ability to complete the collection by adding the Ripper DLC (even though it is pretty worthless to be honest).
The only way to get the Ripper is to have pre-ordered from Steam or to have waited to get the GoTY edition. My pre-ordered retail disc version only had Bloodbath DLC for free, and I then purchased the Ryder White DLC, so all I'm missing is the Ripper.
If it worth 5 bucks (at least US price)? They're supposed to give you additional 50% off for upgrading to GOTY, but yeah, Ripper is all I don't have as well, silly really...